Jones High School and Callahan Elementary School Historic Marker Unveiling at the Callahan Neighborhood Center, February 2025
City of Orlando Commissioners Shan Rose, District 5, and Bakari Burns, District 6 unveil the State Historic Marker for the original Jones High School and Callahan Elementary School, Saturday, February 15, 2025. Next to Bakari Burns is his mother and...
The Jones Perry Monument
Lt. Richard A. Jones (right) and Officer Belvin Perry, Sr. (left) are represented ...
Oral History Interview with Sarah Dubisson, Winner of the 2024 Dr. Gates Math and Physics Award for Jones High School
Yes, that's what I love about the IB [International Baccalaureate] environment. It's like you're with kids who are like you. So you can like compete and get really messy. But at the same time you're like supporting each other. ...
San Juan Hotel
Though the space on Orange Avenue that the San Juan Hotel once occupied is now the Morgan and Morgan building, the San Juan Hotel was Orlando's first permanent hotel and at one point the largest building in the town when...
Oral History Interview with Heriverto Trejo-Laredo, Winner of the 2024 Dr. Gates Math and Physics Award for Jones High School
I think my greatest achievement probably within my whole like public education career was probably going into the International Baccalaureate Program. It was really hard, but it became one of my greatest feats, I believe. Like I said, it propelled...
Louis Rotundo Presents The X-1 Story at Orlando Remembered, March 2024
Well, thank you, it's a pleasure to be here. I don't get to talk about this book much anymore. The book obviously has been around for quite some time. The story never gets old in my opinion, but I don't...
Oral History Interview with Author-Entrepreneur Erik Deckers, President of Pro Blog Service
It is on the National Register of Historic Places because of the Kerouac connection. But in and of itself, it's a 102-year-old house. It's a Sears and Roebuck kit house where you could go into the catalog and order a...
Oral History Interview with Bill Jennings, President of the College Park Historical Society
Bill Jennings, President of the College Park Historical Society at the Orlando Public Library, October 25, 2023. Photo by Orange County Library System Staff Photographer Amanda Murphy.
College Park has produced a lot of great people. I was in a meeting...
Lake Ivanhoe Residential Historic District Marker
On October 24, 2023 City of Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer unveiled The Lake Ivanhoe Residential Historic District Marker with City of Orlando Commissioner Robert Stuart and College Park Historical Society Board Members. Pictured from left to right are Bill Jennings,...
135 East Wall Street
From the Orange County Property Appraiser's site - 135 Wall Street circa 2022.
On Monday, October 30, 2023, shortly before the library opened, staff at the Orlando Public Library peered out the back windows facing Wall Street to discover what was...
Oral History Interview with Senior Business Analyst Harry Bryant
The goal, what I feel comfortable about now, is that we have the skill set and the documentation and presentation to show and preserve the culture of the historic Callahan area. It's going to take some time, but the good...
OIA Air Traffic Control Tower
The air traffic control tower at Orlando International Airport, standing 345 feet tall, was North America's tallest ATCT when it opened on Sunday, September 15, 2002. Today, the tower is the 15th tallest ATCT in the world.
Designed by Radian...
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