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Orlando Senior High School 1940 Yearbook

The 1940 Tigando – yearbook of the Orlando Senior High School, Orlando, Florida, divided into six sections for ease in viewing and downloading. Click on the SECTION links below or peruse documents under Attachments at the bottom of this post.

From the title page: The 1940 Tigando, Volume Fifteen; a yearbook issued by The Senior Class of the Orlando Senior High School, Orlando, Florida.

SECTION ONE: Cover, title page, introduction, dedication, the school administration, faculty and school at work including the faculty, monitors, library, printing, in the lab.

Surnames mentioned: Robinson, Crank, Thornton, Wood, Palmer, Cotton, Vahan Magarian, Boone, Wallace, Rider, McCullum, Spence, Ingley, Gee, Giorchino, Hughes, Tanner, Taylor, Hardin, Williams, Stowe, Hopcraft, Hiscock, Kienast Smith, Blanton, Owens, Bryan, Hinchey, Kittredge, McNamara, Garrett, Bunch, Clark, Carpenter, Duckworth, Mayfield, Cox, Sharrock, Adams, Askue, Bennett, Blakey, Brokenshire, Brooks, Bruce, Buckles, Burke, Carter, Cawthon, Cowart Crawford, Daane, Draper, Duy, Evans, Goertz, Greene, Harris, H endry, Heney, Hovater, Hudson, Hughes, Lighthiser, Kirst, Lottick, McAfee, McMakin, Maynard, Mier, Mulholland, Moss, Murphy, Osborn, Rambo, Rider, Rogers, Shaw, Stingley, Stone, Wallace, Warner, Clara Wendel (Left to become librarian at Albertson Library)

The Library: Wendel, Jones, Cutts, Weippert, Knott, Gilliam, Tiller, Sutton, Prentis, Reams, Hogan, Tharp, Pearson, Fitzgerald, Pemberton, Smith, Rhodes, Blattner, Cox, Michael, Niles, Replogle, Mayer, Sangster.

Printing: Wicks, Cashion, Shaw, Crittenden, McMillan.

In the Lab: Mole, Wetherell, Moscript, Dann, Britt, Calhoun, Hillman, Marek, Horton, Grimes, Torence, McLeod, Knight, Hegler, Price

Section 2 includes the Senior Class photos, Class Prophecy, Will and Testament
Senior Class officers: James C. Robinson, Elizabeth “Betty” Thornton, Johnny Crank, Teddy Wood, Mr. Vahan Magarian, Sponsor, Will and Testament, Class Prophecy.

Surnames include: Adams, Anderson, Agnew, Armstrong, Aikman, Askue, Albritton, Aslanian, Atkins, Ault, Barnard, Babcock. Bass, Bailey, Baker, Batten, Barber, Baya, Beans, Blanton, Beerman, Blossom, Berman, Bower, Blackwell, Bracey, Blake, Bradley, Brown, Brockway, Browning, Bromley, Bryan, Brown, Brymer, Bullington, Byrd, Caton, Caldwell, Chandler, Calhoun, Chapman, Case, Cheney, Cater, Clark, Clayton, Cotton, Cole, Cox, Collins, Cooper, Copps, Coy, Crank, Crews, Crooks, Cummings, Cutts, Davidson, Davis, Debutts, Dietzman, Duke, Dunlap, Dupuis, Dye, Dyer, Eaton, Engle, Entzminger, Etheredge, Eaton, Evans, Farnum, Fox, Faulkner, Fredenburg, Fitzgerald, Fletcher, Gilliam, Filmore, Godwin, Goff, Gray, Goggans, Greenberg, Gorsuch, Greene, Graddy, Griffin, Graham, Grimes, Grundler, Harmon, Haefele, Harris, H allauer, Hawkins, Hamilton, Hardin, Heck, Hegler, Hernandez, Helzer, Hillman, Henline, Henson, Hiscock, Hogan, Hogue, Howard, Hollingsworth, Hubert, Holton, Hubler, Hopcraft, Huppel, Howard, Hutchinson, Jung, Jarvis, Johnson, Johnston, Karst, Kemper, Kennedy, Kennison, Kicklighter, Kruse, Kilgore, Kuhn, Kittredge, Knecht, Knight, LaCerte, Lamberton, Lawson, Lawton, Lewis, Leach, Livingston, Lee, Lohss, Loucks, Leonard, Low, Lyon, Lytle, Marsh, Mathews, Mandelcorn, Maxwell, Mansfield, Merritt, Marek, Metcalf, Michael, Mole, Miller, Moore, Millitzer, Morris, Mischuk, Morrison, Mitchell, Morrison, Moss, McDonald, McKee, Murdock, McKinnon, McCann, McLelland, McCorkle, McLeod, McManus, McManeus, McMillan, McNamara, Nadler, Napier, Nelson, Niles, Nobles, Nordberg, Oren, Osburn, Otey, Pace, Palmer, Parker, Parks, Pearson, Peoples, Prange, Perdue, Proctor, Pewett, Purcell, Potter, Radcliff, Radford, Raehn, Rhodes, Ramage, Rice, Replogle, Richardson, Reynolds, Ricker, Rinehart, Roberts, Rupp, Robinson, Sallas, Sandlin, Saulsbury, Schlienz, Serros, Sloan, Sharrock, Smith, Shell, Simmons, Simonds, Spear, Stonecipher, Spence, Stratton, Spray, Sullivan, Stewart, Sutton, Stoddard, Swaidmark, Taylor, Tenet, Thomas, Teal, Thorton, Tharp, Tindall, Turner, Todd, Tolleson, Townes, Tracy, Vance, Varner, Vaughan, Walton, Weippert, White, Welch, Whitmore, Wesley, Wilder, West, Wilkinson, Wharton, Williams, Willsey, Wilson, Wood, Yates, Yeider, Young

SECTION THREE: Juniors and Sophomores  (First page is blank, scroll past it.)
Section 3 includes Junior and Sophomore classes.
Senior Class officers: James C. Robinson, Elizabeth “Betty” Thornton, Johnny Crank, Teddy Wood, Mr. Vahan Magarian, Sponsor, Will and Testament, Class Prophecy.

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS: Eugene Hill, Max Brewer, Babs Moffat, Julian Dominick, Mr. Zollie Maynard, sponsor.

JUNIOR SURNAMES INCLUDE:Allen, Anderson, Antrim, Apgar, Archibald – Babbitt, Bailey, Batts, Bennett, Benepe, Bivin, Blattner, Boardman, Bonham, Brabson, Brewer, Brinkman, Bullock, Canada, Cardell, Caruthers, Caruso, Chaffin, Chuisano, Chapman, Chamberlin, Clark, Coleman, Conroy, Cook, Creath, Cutts, Dann, Densmore, Dawson, Dickens, Dickenson, Kickerson, Dietzman, Driggers, Duncan, Dyer – Eaton – Fakess, Farr, Ferkins, Fickett, Fields, Fisher, Folker, Foster, Frasier, Fredrick – Gaines, Garrett, Gatling, Genarie, Giorchino, Goodbread, Graham, Grogan, Grundler, Haddox, Halstead, Hand, Harris, Harrison, Harvey, Hawkins, Hendry, Henry, Hildebrand, Hodgskin, Holley, Hook, Hill, Hughes – Ingley – Johns, Jackson, Johnson – Kates, Kelly, Kinard – Lee, Livingstone, McBride, McCorkle, McCree, McCullum, McDonald, McGill, McMillan, Medlin, Meloon, Miller, Mitchell, Moffat, Moffitt, Moncrief, Moore, Morey, Moscrip, Oatley, O’Quinn, Owens – Pantzer, Parker, Pattishall, Pierce, Price, Pooser, Powell – Remusat, Rengler, Riddle, Rooth, Roberts, Rogers, Ross, Ruble, Sagars, Sangster, Sayres, Segrest, Shanibarger, Shaw, Shearouse, Sheftall, Sheppard, Smith, Somerville, Spanos, Stephens, Stewart, Stowe, Symonds, Tiller, Torrence, Trapp, Trulock – Usher – Van Hoten, Vincent, Valkert – Wallace, Wells, Wetherell, Wheeler, White, Wiley, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Wittenstein, Wrayton – Yaros, Yothers, Zell

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS: Bob McLeod, Edgar Andrews, Margaret Baugh, Bucky Mattox, Miss Madelyn Buckles, sponsor.

SOPHOMORE SURNAMES INCLUDE: Akerman, Alshouse, Anderson, Andrews, Asher – Babcock, Baker, Barber, Baugh, Benz, Berry, Black, Bone, Boone, Bowman, Brand, Branell, Broome, Browne, Brownell, Browning, Butt, Calhoun, Case, Cash, Cheek, Clapper, Claudy, Coleman, Click, Connell, Couch, Cowart, Cox, Crawford, Crenshaw – Davis, Decker, Daugherty, DeHaan, Demopoulos, Dixon, Dorsey, Douglas, Driggers, English, Enright, Eschenbaker – Fields, Flynn, Fraser, Frazier, Furen – Gravis, Greene, Groene, Guernsey – Hadden, Haimowitz, Hallauer, Hanor, Harper, Harris, Heasley, Heaton, Helzer, Hernandez, Hickman, Hicks, Hildebrand, Hill, Hinson, Hitch, Hoffman, Holley, Holton, Hook, Hopcraft, Horn, Hurlbut, Johnson, Joiner – Karst, Kemp, Kennedy, Klinect, Knudson, Korp, Kretching – Labin, Lawton, Lewis, Lindsey, Littlefield – Mattox, McAfee, McCalla, McCann, Meadows, Meager, Medlock, Merrell, Minter, Mitchell, Mooty, Doody, Morse, Myers, Odom (on page with H surnames), O”Steen – Pemberton, Pence, Perry, Petrie, Phillips, Poe, Postle – Reid, Reynolds, Rish, Ritch, Robinson, Robertson, Ross, Rowe – Sandlin, Schmitt, Seaver, Seghers, Seagraves, Sherman, Smith, Spanos, Starr, Stone, Stratton, Sultan, Thomas, Tanner, Thompson, Tunnell – Walker, Watson, Wicks, Williams, Wilson, Winston — Young

SECTION FOUR: Sports  (First page is blank, scroll past it.) 
Section 4 includes Sports: Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Golf, Fencing, Tennis, Aquacade (Swimming), Bowling, Varsity Variety.

FOOTBALL – Coaches Greene, Hovater, Maynard, Hughes. Includes overview of each of the games played during the 1939 season.

FOOTBALL RELATED SURNAMES MENTIONED: Caldwell, Robinson, Hancock, Bouton, Morris, Griffin, Mitchel, McLeod, Hoequist, Sedmon, Entzminger, Robinson, Reeves, Dominick, Eubanks, Howard, Caldwell, Powers, Sherouse, Wharton, Browning, Price, Hage, Darnold, Hallauer, Serros, Rouse, Webb, Brewer, Sheppard, Sherman, Rees, Simonds, Tiller, Pempy, Purdue, McCorkle, Batts, Murray, Bower, Wright, Hogue, Greene, Leach, Marek, Menendez, Peterson, Caruso, Kennedy, Brownell, H age, Lyons, Parslow, Helzer, Brand, Driggers, Osborn, Hallauer, Turner.

BASKETBALL RELATED SURNAMES: Coach Walter E. Hovater, Gilmore, Parslow, Caldwell, Jackson, Morris, Sheppard, Mowery, Entzminger, Densmore, Ayers, Hoequist, Hallauer, Morris, Perdue, Powers, Gilmore, Mitchel, Barnes, Griffin

TRACK SURNAMES: Hamilton, Densmore, Bishop, Serros, Hogue, Dominick, Fulford, Hoequist, Hallauer, Sheppard, Appleman, Morris, Sedman, Whitmore, Wells, Hand, Griffin, Kittridge, Spray, Andrews, Greene

INTRAMURAL SURNAMES: Coach Carlisle Hughes, Kittridge, Hopkins, Sloan, McKee, Wood, Greene, Spray, Fletcher, H ogue, Pennington, McMillian, Wells, Trapp, Tiller, Spanos, Holley, Vibian, Knudson, Fergerson, Kittridge, Hopkins

BASEBALL SURNAMES: Coach Maynard, Chamberlin, Driggers, Stone, Cooper, Byrd, Eubanks, Hicks, Batts, Pennington, Moye, Kennedy, Webb, McMillan, Loucks, Hopkins, Sherman, Powers, Shaw, Leach, Caldwell, McLeod, Leedy, Kemp

FENCING TEAM SURNAMES: Whitmore, Sutton, Walton, Black, Martin, Henline, Morse, Alverez, Todd

GOLF TEAM SURNAMES: Wheeler, Marr, Barr, Townes and Rusty the dog.

TENNIS TEAM SURNAMES: Blossom, Mr. Shaw, Sultzbach, Windham, Yeider, Hall, Crews

BOWLING TEAM SURNAMES: Henline, Butler, Cox, Mischuck, Akerman, Whittaker, Langford, Fickett, Hinchey, Taylor, Brown, Wesley, Moss.

GIRLS’ TENNIS TEAM SURNAMES: Cogswell, Todd, Fox, Smith, James, Evans, Eaton, Hupple, Stowe, Dickerson, Anderson, Jung, Remusat, Mayer, Leach, Click, Dudley, Nickelson, Coleman, Apgar, Schultz, Hardin, Robinson, Kruse, Johnson, Gwaltney, Agnew

OHS AQUACADE SURNAMES: Nesbitt, Calhoun, Balfour, Moscrip, Reynolds, McKee, Hegler, Crail, Entzminger, Schaffer, Coach Harris, Riddle, Marek, Dorsey, Crawford, Hughes, Coleman, Joiner, Cash, Dunlap, Cogswell, Wilson, Antrim

VARSITY VARIETY – INTRAMURAL SURNAMES: Chamberlin, Robertson, Wilson, Johnson, Kruse, Agnew, Remusat, Shutz, Dann, Leach, Kelly, Kenard, Gillman, Joiner, Moss, Tunnel, Todd, Jones, Mayer, Fisher, Holton, McCullum, Cogswell, Sheppard, Hubler, Evans.

SECTION FIVE: Activities
Section 5 includes: The Thespians, Music Clubs, Forensics, 1940 Tigando staff, Omicron Eta Sigma, Euclidean Club, Torch Society, Latin Club, Art Club, Journalism, Order of Demosthenes, Philatlic League, Future Teachers of America, Chemistry Club, Scribblers, Camera Club, Girls’ Aviation Club, El Club Espanol, Girls’ Hi-Y, Boys’ Hi-Y, Varsity Club, Football Banquet

SECTION SIX: Glamour: Who’s Who and Candid Camera
PERSONS FEATURED: Betty Asher, Natalie Vance, Sally Parshall, Carolyn Collins, Kathryn Stewart, Dick Fletcher, Teddy Wood, Mary Palmer, Johnny Crank, Barbara Fox, Jim Robinson, Betty Thornton, Gerald Knight, Dorothy Yates, Bette Mandelcorn, Max Millitzer, Gayle Robinson, Andy Serros, Laura Raehn, Willie Hamilton, Corrine Smith, David Sloan, Jane Cotton, Mac McLeod, Margaret Todd, Freddie Caldwell, Jane Parks, William Calhoun

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Orlando Senior High School 1940 Yearbook - Tigando cover

Front cover of the 1940 Tigando - Orlando Senior High School yearbook.

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Orlando Senior High School 1940 Yearbook - Section 1

Section 1 includes the cover, title page, introduction, dedication, the school administration, faculty and school at work including the vaculty, monitors, library, printing, in the lab.

Surnames mentioned: Robinson, Crank, Thornton, Wood, Palmer, Cotton, Vahan Magarian, Boone, Wallace, Rider, McCullum, Spence, Ingley, Gee, Giorchino, Hughes, Tanner, Taylor, Hardin, Williams, Stowe, Hopcraft, Hiscock, Kienast Smith, Blanton, Owens, Bryan, Hinchey, Kittredge, McNamara, Garrett, Bunch, Clark, Carpenter, Duckworth, Mayfield, Cox, Sharrock, Adams, Askue, Bennett, Blakey, Brokenshire, Brooks, Bruce, Buckles, Burke, Carter, Cawthon, Cowart Crawford, Daane, Draper, Duy, Evans, Goertz, Greene, Harris, H endry, Heney, Hovater, Hudson, Hughes, Lighthiser, Kirst, Lottick, McAfee, McMakin, Maynard, Mier, Mulholland, Moss, Murphy, Osborn, Rambo, Rider, Rogers, Shaw, Stingley, Stone, Wallace, Warner, Clara Wendel (Left to become librarian at Albertson Library)

The Library: Wendel, Jones, Cutts, Weippert, Knott, Gilliam, Tiller, Sutton, Prentis, Reams, Hogan, Tharp, Pearson, Fitzgerald, Pemberton, Smith, Rhodes, Blattner, Cox, Michael, Niles, Replogle, Mayer, Sangster.

Printing: Wicks, Cashion, Shaw, Crittenden, McMillan.

In the Lab: Mole, Wetherell, Moscript, Dann, Britt, Calhoun, Hillman, Marek, Horton, Grimes, Torence, McLeod, Knight, Hegler, Price

Orlando Senior High School 1940 Yearbook - Section 2

Section 2 includes the Senior Class photos, Class Prophecy, Will and Testament

Senior Class officers: James C. Robinson, Elizabeth "Betty" Thornton, Johnny Crank, Teddy Wood, Mr. Vahan Magarian, Sponsor, Will and Testament, Class Prophecy.

Surnames include:

Adams, Anderson, Agnew, Armstrong, Aikman, Askue, Albritton, Aslanian, Atkins, Ault

Barnard, Babcock. Bass, Bailey, Baker, Batten, Barber, Baya, Beans, Blanton, Beerman, Blossom, Berman, Bower, Blackwell, Bracey, Blake, Bradley, Brown, Brockway, Browning, Bromley, Bryan, Brown, Brymer, Bullington, Byrd

Caton, Caldwell, Chandler, Calhoun, Chapman, Case, Cheney, Cater, Clark, Clayton, Cotton, Cole, Cox, Collins, Cooper, Copps, Coy, Crank, Crews, Crooks, Cummings, Cutts

Davidson, Davis, Debutts, Dietzman, Duke, Dunlap, Dupuis, Dye, Dyer

Eaton, Engle, Entzminger, Etheredge, Eaton, Evans

Farnum, Fox, Faulkner, Fredenburg, Fitzgerald, Fletcher

Gilliam, Filmore, Godwin, Goff, Gray, Goggans, Greenberg, Gorsuch, Greene, Graddy, Griffin, Graham, Grimes, Grundler

Harmon, Haefele, Harris, H allauer, Hawkins, Hamilton, Hardin, Heck, Hegler, Hernandez, Helzer, Hillman, Henline, Henson, Hiscock, Hogan, Hogue, Howard, Hollingsworth, Hubert, Holton, Hubler, Hopcraft, Huppel, Howard, Hutchinson

Jung, Jarvis, Johnson, Johnston

Karst, Kemper, Kennedy, Kennison, Kicklighter, Kruse, Kilgore, Kuhn, Kittredge, Knecht, Knight

LaCerte, Lamberton, Lawson, Lawton, Lewis, Leach, Livingston, Lee, Lohss, Loucks, Leonard, Low, Lyon, Lytle

Marsh, Mathews, Mandelcorn, Maxwell, Mansfield, Merritt, Marek, Metcalf, Michael, Mole, Miller, Moore, Millitzer, Morris, Mischuk, Morrison, Mitchell, Morrison, Moss, McDonald, McKee, Murdock, McKinnon, McCann, McLelland, McCorkle, McLeod, McManus, McManeus, McMillan, McNamara

Nadler, Napier, Nelson, Niles, Nobles, Nordberg

Oren, Osburn, Otey

Pace, Palmer, Parker, Parks, Pearson, Peoples, Prange, Perdue, Proctor, Pewett, Purcell, Potter

Radcliff, Radford, Raehn, Rhodes, Ramage, Rice, Replogle, Richardson, Reynolds, Ricker, Rinehart, Roberts, Rupp, Robinson

Sallas, Sandlin, Saulsbury, Schlienz, Serros, Sloan, Sharrock, Smith, Shell, Simmons, Simonds, Spear, Stonecipher, Spence, Stratton, Spray, Sullivan, Stewart, Sutton, Stoddard, Swaidmark

Taylor, Tenet, Thomas, Teal, Thorton, Tharp, Tindall, Turner, Todd, Tolleson, Townes, Tracy

Vance, Varner, Vaughan

Walton, Weippert, White, Welch, Whitmore, Wesley, Wilder, West, Wilkinson, Wharton, Williams, Willsey, Wilson, Wood,
Yates, Yeider, Young

Orlando Senior High School 1940 Yearbook - Section 3

Section 3 includes Junior and Sophomore classes,

Senior Class officers: James C. Robinson, Elizabeth "Betty" Thornton, Johnny Crank, Teddy Wood, Mr. Vahan Magarian, Sponsor, Will and Testament, Class Prophecy.

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS: Eugene Hill, Max Brewer, Babs Moffat, Julian Dominick, Mr. Zollie Maynard, sponsor.


Allen, Anderson, Antrim, Apgar, Archibald - Babbitt, Bailey, Batts, Bennett, Benepe, Bivin, Blattner, Boardman, Bonham, Brabson, Brewer, Brinkman, Bullock, Canada, Cardell, Caruthers, Caruso, Chaffin, Chuisano, Chapman, Chamberlin, Clark, Coleman, Conroy, Cook, Creath, Cutts, Dann, Densmore, Dawson, Dickens, Dickenson, Kickerson, Dietzman, Driggers, Duncan, Dyer - Eaton - Fakess, Farr, Ferkins, Fickett, Fields, Fisher, Folker, Foster, Frasier, Fredrick - Gaines, Garrett, Gatling, Genarie, Giorchino, Goodbread, Graham, Grogan, Grundler, Haddox, Halstead, Hand, Harris, Harrison, Harvey, Hawkins, Hendry, Henry, Hildebrand, Hodgskin, Holley, Hook, Hill, Hughes - Ingley - Johns, Jackson, Johnson - Kates, Kelly, Kinard - Lee, Livingstone, McBride, McCorkle, McCree, McCullum, McDonald, McGill, McMillan, Medlin, Meloon, Miller, Mitchell, Moffat, Moffitt, Moncrief, Moore, Morey, Moscrip, Oatley, O'Quinn, Owens - Pantzer, Parker, Pattishall, Pierce, Price, Pooser, Powell - Remusat, Rengler, Riddle, Rooth, Roberts, Rogers, Ross, Ruble, Sagars, Sangster, Sayres, Segrest, Shanibarger, Shaw, Shearouse, Sheftall, Sheppard, Smith, Somerville, Spanos, Stephens, Stewart, Stowe, Symonds, Tiller, Torrence, Trapp, Trulock - Usher - Van Hoten, Vincent, Valkert - Wallace, Wells, Wetherell, Wheeler, White, Wiley, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Wittenstein, Wrayton - Yaros, Yothers, Zell

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS: Bob McLeod, Edgar Andrews, Margaret Baugh, Bucky Mattox, Miss Madelyn Buckles, sponsor.

SOPHOMORE SURNAMES INCLUDE: Akerman, Alshouse, Anderson, Andrews, Asher - Babcock, Baker, Barber, Baugh, Benz, Berry, Black, Bone, Boone, Bowman, Brand, Branell, Broome, Browne, Brownell, Browning, Butt, Calhoun, Case, Cash, Cheek, Clapper, Claudy, Coleman, Click, Connell, Couch, Cowart, Cox, Crawford, Crenshaw - Davis, Decker, Daugherty, DeHaan, Demopoulos, Dixon, Dorsey, Douglas, Driggers, English, Enright, Eschenbaker - Fields, Flynn, Fraser, Frazier, Furen - Gravis, Greene, Groene, Guernsey - Hadden, Haimowitz, Hallauer, Hanor, Harper, Harris, Heasley, Heaton, Helzer, Hernandez, Hickman, Hicks, Hildebrand, Hill, Hinson, Hitch, Hoffman, Holley, Holton, Hook, Hopcraft, Horn, Hurlbut, Johnson, Joiner - Karst, Kemp, Kennedy, Klinect, Knudson, Korp, Kretching - Labin, Lawton, Lewis, Lindsey, Littlefield - Mattox, McAfee, McCalla, McCann, Meadows, Meager, Medlock, Merrell, Minter, Mitchell, Mooty, Doody, Morse, Myers, Odom (on page with H surnames), O"Steen - Pemberton, Pence, Perry, Petrie, Phillips, Poe, Postle - Reid, Reynolds, Rish, Ritch, Robinson, Robertson, Ross, Rowe - Sandlin, Schmitt, Seaver, Seghers, Seagraves, Sherman, Smith, Spanos, Starr, Stone, Stratton, Sultan, Thomas, Tanner, Thompson, Tunnell - Walker, Watson, Wicks, Williams, Wilson, Winston, Young

Orlando Senior High School 1940 Yearbook - Section 4

Section 4 includes Sports: Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Golf, Fencing, Tennis, Aquacade (Swimming), Bowling, Varsity Variety.

FOOTBALL - Coaches  Greene, Hovater, Maynard, Hughes. Includes overview of each of the games played during the 1939 season.

FOOTBALL RELATED SURNAMES MENTIONED: Caldwell, Robinson, Hancock, Bouton, Morris, Griffin, Mitchel, McLeod, Hoequist, Sedmon, Entzminger, Robinson, Reeves, Dominick, Eubanks, Howard, Caldwell, Powers, Sherouse, Wharton, Browning, Price, Hage, Darnold, Hallauer, Serros, Rouse, Webb, Brewer, Sheppard, Sherman, Rees, Simonds, Tiller, Pempy, Purdue, McCorkle, Batts, Murray, Bower, Wright, Hogue, Greene, Leach, Marek, Menendez, Peterson, Caruso, Kennedy, Brownell, H age, Lyons, Parslow, Helzer, Brand, Driggers, Osborn, Hallauer, Turner.

BASKETBALL RELATED SURNAMES: Coach Walter E. Hovater, Gilmore, Parslow, Caldwell, Jackson, Morris, Sheppard, Mowery, Entzminger, Densmore, Ayers, Hoequist, Hallauer, Morris, Perdue, Powers, Gilmore, Mitchel, Barnes, Griffin

TRACK SURNAMES: Hamilton, Densmore, Bishop, Serros, Hogue, Dominick, Fulford, Hoequist, Hallauer, Sheppard, Appleman, Morris, Sedman, Whitmore, Wells, Hand, Griffin, Kittridge, Spray, Andrews, Greene

INTRAMURAL SURNAMES: Coach Carlisle Hughes, Kittridge, Hopkins, Sloan, McKee, Wood, Greene, Spray, Fletcher, H ogue, Pennington, McMillian, Wells, Trapp, Tiller, Spanos, Holley, Vibian, Knudson, Fergerson, Kittridge, Hopkins

BASEBALL SURNAMES: Coach Maynard, Chamberlin, Driggers, Stone, Cooper, Byrd, Eubanks, Hicks, Batts, Pennington, Moye, Kennedy, Webb, McMillan, Loucks, Hopkins, Sherman, Powers, Shaw, Leach, Caldwell, McLeod, Leedy, Kemp

FENCING TEAM SURNAMES: Whitmore, Sutton, Walton, Black, Martin, Henline, Morse, Alverez, Todd

GOLF TEAM SURNAMES: Wheeler, Marr, Barr, Townes and Rusty the dog.

TENNIS TEAM SURNAMES: Blossom, Mr. Shaw, Sultzbach, Windham, Yeider, Hall, Crews

BOWLING TEAM SURNAMES: Henline, Butler, Cox, Mischuck, Akerman, Whittaker, Langford, Fickett, Hinchey, Taylor, Brown, Wesley, Moss.

GIRLS' TENNIS TEAM SURNAMES: Cogswell, Todd, Fox, Smith, James, Evans, Eaton, Hupple, Stowe, Dickerson, Anderson, Jung, Remusat, Mayer, Leach, Click, Dudley, Nickelson, Coleman, Apgar, Schultz, Hardin, Robinson, Kruse, Johnson, Gwaltney, Agnew

OHS AQUACADE SURNAMES: Nesbitt, Calhoun, Balfour, Moscrip, Reynolds, McKee, Hegler, Crail, Entzminger, Schaffer, Coach Harris, Riddle, Marek, Dorsey, Crawford, Hughes, Coleman, Joiner, Cash, Dunlap, Cogswell, Wilson, Antrim

VARSITY VARIETY - INTRAMURAL SURNAMES: Chamberlin, Robertson, Wilson, Johnson, Kruse, Agnew, Remusat, Shutz, Dann, Leach, Kelly, Kenard, Gillman, Joiner, Moss, Tunnel, Todd, Jones, Mayer, Fisher, Holton, McCullum, Cogswell, Sheppard, Hubler, Evans.

Orlando Senior High School 1940 Yearbook - Section 5

Section 5: Activities: The Thespians, Music Clubs, Forensics, 1940 Tigando staff, Omicron Eta Sigma, Euclidean Club, Torch Society, Latin Club, Art Club, Journalism, Order of Demosthenes, Philatlic League, Future Teachers of America, Chemistry Club, Scribblers, Camera Club, Girls' Aviation Club, El Club Espanol, Girls' Hi-Y, Boys' Hi-Y, Varsity Club, Football Banquet

SURNAMES: Dominick, Gee, Moffat, Nesbitt, Hughes, Williams, Harvey, Andrews, Dickens, Parshall, Robinson, Calhoun, Yates, Wood, Murphy, Ingley, Sherman, Boardman, Parks, Moffat, Wilson, Nadler, Hill, Rand, Lyon, Wood, Tolleson, Niles, Rupp, Whitmore, Townes, Fox, Pattishal, Crank, Blossom, Sherman, Nadler, Niles, Calhoun, Shell, Pinkerton, Smith, McCalla, Magarian, Gregory, Symonds, Sandlin, Cawthon, Osborn, Lohss, Wittenstein, Poole, Graddy, Kates, Garren, Mson, Waldron, McAllister, Pierce, Stone, Simmons, Schlientz, Crooks, Taylor, Buckles, McCree, Littlefield, Furen, Hubbard, Kemp, Teague, Demopoulos, Rich, Young, Cheek, Brown, La Fleur, Harrell, Rish, Perry, Haimowitz, Mooney, Morgan, McKinney, Sweat, Bernhardt, Shanibarger, Myers, Lindsey, Cox, Walker, Rose, Buford, Reid, Briggs, Moffat, McManus, Townes, Petit, Langley, Benz, Clark, Asher, Daugherty, Case, Holdebrand, Cook, Bennett, McNamara, Dudley, Decker, Merrell, Calhoun, Bouton, Kretching, Harris, Moody, La Beau, Avera, Furtick, Guerry, Kennedy, Heney, Babcock, Chapman, Mulholland, Crawford, Fearinf, Martin, Boone, Lanel, Morton, Saunders, Bradley, Stratton, Metcalf, Holbrook, Ricker, Gatewood, Grey, Kelly, Stripling, Hinton, Hutchler, Lowe, Marz, Branch, Haycraft, Lord, O'Rork, McDonald, Sly, Walsh, Lily, Baughn, Newhart, H arding, Thomas, Dann, DeKinder, Webb, Duckworth, Kline, Moncrief, Kline, Roumillat, Casey, Parks, Potter, Hill, Becker, Sley, Stitch, Burton, McCann, Hammond, White, Bonham, Bowman, Burkhard, Capehart, Careter, Daniles, Fields, Odum, Phillips, Walton, Windham, Heimer, Lottick, Palmer, Cotton, Harvey, Nordberg, Crank, Fox, Stewart, Wood, Cheney, Etheredge, McCann, Thompson

Orlando Senior High School 1940 Yearbook - Section 6

Section 6: Glamour: Who's Who and Candid Camera

PERSONS FEATURED: Betty Asher, Natalie Vance, Sally Parshall, Carolyn Collins, Kathryn Stewart, Dick Fletcher, Teddy Wood, Mary Palmer, Johnny Crank, Barbara Fox, Jim Robinson, Betty Thornton, Gerald Knight, Dorothy Yates, Bette Mandelcorn, Max Millitzer, Gayle Robinson, Andy Serros, Laura Raehn, Willie Hamilton, Corrine Smith, David Sloan, Jane Cotton, Mac McLeod, Margaret Todd, Freddie Caldwell, Jane Parks, William Calhoun

Comments to “Orlando Senior High School 1940 Yearbook”

  1. MA says:

    I have an admission card for senoir high school graduation exercises municipal auditorium june 6 1941

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