Grand Avenue School 1926 Part I – Handwritten notes from the first Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Meeting on October 22, 1926 to the end of the school year May 4, 1927.
Grand Avenue School 1926 Part II – PTA meeting reports from October 5, 1926 through April 4, 1927 including committee and treasury reports.
Grand Avenue School 1926 Part III – PTA Executive Committee meeting reports beginning with Father’s Night on January 25, 1927 through April 17, 1927.
Grand Avenue School PTA 1932-1933, Part I – Scrapbook beginning with The Parent-Teacher Associations By- Laws, Florida Congress of Parents and Teachers Suggestions for Historians by Mrs. A. B. Lemmon, State Historian, Grand Avenue School PTA history beginning with the Grand Ave. Parent Teacher Association organized on October 22, 1926 at Delaney School through year 1932. Letter of congratulations from Grand Ave. PTA to Fern Creek Elementary School on the organization of Fern Creek PTA. Signed by Mrs. Geo. Dewey Hanson, parliamentarian.
Grand Avenue School PTA 1932-1933, Part II – Scrapbook including PTA invitations featuring seasonal children’s art from 1932 through 1935.
Grand Avenue School PTA 1932-1933, Part III – Scrapbook beginning with the May 9, 1935 PTA meeting and including PTA invitations featuring seasonal children’s art from 1935 through 1936.
Grand Avenue School Year Book 1932-1933, Section I – Grand Avenue School Year Book for 1932-33, made by Publicity Committee on P.T.A. Speedograph. Decorated by Children as an Art Project.
Book section one beginning through to January 1933, page 25.
Grand Avenue School Year Book 1932-1933, Section II – Grand Avenue School Year Book for 1932-33, made by Publicity Committee on P.T.A. Speedograph. Decorated by Children as an Art Project.
Book section two through page 65.
Grand Avenue School Year Book 1932-1933, Section III – Grand Avenue School Year Book for 1932-33, made by the Publicity Committee on P.T.A. Speedograph. Decorated by Children as an Art Project.
Book section three, page 65 through 91.
Grand Avenue School Year Book 1932-1933, Section IV – Grand Avenue School Year Book for 1932-33, made by the Publicity Committee on P.T.A. Speedograph. Decorated by Children as an Art Project. Book section four, page 92 to the end.
Grand Avenue School Scrapbook 1930-1936, Section I – Grand Avenue School Scrapbook 1930-1936, first section, years 1930-1932.
Grand Avenue School Scrapbook 1930-1936, Section II – PTA Scrapbook for 1932-1933 compiled by Mrs. Mark Phillips, Historian, and included in the Grand Avenue School Scrapbook for 1930-1936.
Grand Avenue School Scrapbook 1930-1936, Section III – PTA Scrapbooks for 1934-1935, and 1935-1936 compiled by Mrs. Mark Phillips, Historian, and included in the Grand Avenue School Scrapbook for 1930-1936.
Grand Avenue School Year Book 1934-1935 – Grand Avenue School Year Book made by the Publicity Committee on PTA Speedograph as an Art Project. Includes Certificate from the Florida Branch National Congress of Parents and Teachers, April 29- May 3, 1935, Miami, Florida certifying that the publicity scrapbook of the Grand Avenue Association of Parents and Teachers, was selected by the District for exhibition at the FLORIDA state exhibit at the NATIONAL CONVENTION in Miami.
Scrapbook of the Grand Avenue P.T.A. 1938-1939 – Includes photo of past P. T. A. president Mrs. W. A. McCree (McCree Construction), Hillcrest School P. T. A. events produced by Grand Avenue School P. T. A., and photos of the Powder Puff Ladies’ Minstrel.
Grand Avenue School P.T.A. Minutes September 1943-January 11, 1944 – Handwritten, detailed Grand Avenue School P. T. A. minutes for the beginning of the school year, September 1943 through January 1944. The minutes include a report on the “First Open Meeting” of the P.T.A. held at the school.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1948-1949, Part I – Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1948-1949, Part I, pages 1-17.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1948-1949, Part II – Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1948-1949, Part II, pages 18- End. Contents includes school and PTA letters and photos from 1948 through 1952.
Grand Avenue School P.T.A. Scrapbook 1952-1953 – Grand Avenue School Parent Teacher Association Scrapbook 1952-1953. Scrapbook includes Minutes of Meeting for March 18, 1954, Grand Avenue P.T.A.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1954-1955 – Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1954-1955, Part I, pages 1-23. Contents includes school and PTA certificates, letters, and photos from 1954 through 1955. See also Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1954-1955, Part II, page 23- end.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1955-1956 – Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1954-1956, Part II, page 23- end. Contents includes school and PTA certificates, letters, and photos from 1954 through May 1956.
Grand Avenue School of Orlando P.T.A. Year Book 1955-1956 – Lists meeting dates, homeroom mothers, and faculty. Includes P.T.A. Prayer.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1956-1957, Part I – Grand Avenue Elementary School Parent Teacher Association Scrap Book 1956-1957, Part I, pages 1-17. Scrapbook includes school and PTA articles, letters, invitations, and photos from 1956 through May 1957. See also Grand Avenue Elementary School Parent Teacher Association Scrap Book 1956-1957, Part II, pages 18-end.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1956-1957, Part II – Grand Avenue Elementary School Parent Teacher Association Scrap Book 1956-1957, Part II, pages 18-end. Scrapbook includes school and PTA articles, letters, invitations, and photos from 1956 through May 1957.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1957-1958, Part I – Grand Avenue P.T.A. Scrapbook 1957-58, Part I. Scrapbook includes PTA certificates, articles, photos, committee reports, and Parent Teacher Prayer.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1957-1958, Part II – Grand Avenue Elementary School Parent Teacher Association Scrap Book 1956-1957, Part II, pages 18-end. Scrapbook includes school and PTA articles, letters, invitations, and photos from 1956 through May 1957.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1957-1958, Part III – Grand Avenue P.T.A. Scrapbook 1957-1958, Part III. The scrapbook includes the Grand Avenue School Spring Concert, Spring 1958 and the Board Report by Publicity Chairman Mrs. R.D. Hayden.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1957-1958, Part IV – Grand Avenue P.T.A. Scrapbook 1957-1958, Part IV. The scrapbook includes the Boy Scouts of America Pack Charter granted to the Grand Avenue Elementary School Parent Teacher Association, the April 22, 1958 Report from the Civil Defense Chairman, and PTA award certificates.
(Please note 1959 was not in the archives cabinet.)
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Year Book 1960-1961.
Grand Avenue Elementary Class Groups 1962-1963, Part I.
Grand Avenue Elementary Class Groups 1962-1963, Part II.
Grand Avenue Elementary P.T.A. Scrapbook 1967-1968.
Grand Avenue Elementary P.T.A. Scrapbook 1968-1969, Part I.
Grand Avenue Elementary P.T.A. Scrapbook 1968-1969, Part II.
Grand Avenue Elementary P.T.A. Scrapbook 1970-1971.
Grand Avenue Elementary P.T.A. Scrapbook 1972-1973.

Grand Avenue School Principal’s Album 1994-1995, Part I.
Grand Avenue School Principal’s Album 1994-1995, Part II.
Grand Avenue Elementary Memories 1994-1995, Part I.
Grand Avenue Elementary Memories 1994-1995, Part II.
Grand Avenue Elementary Memories 1994-1995, Part III.
Grand Avenue School Principal’s Album 1995-1996, Part I.
Grand Avenue School Principal’s Album 1995-1996, Part II.
Grand Avenue School Principal’s Album 1996-1997.
Grand Avenue School Principal’s Album 1998-1999, Part I.
Grand Avenue School Principal’s Album 1998-1999, Part II.
NationsBank Salutes the 1999 Graduates of Grand Avenue Elementary School.

Grand Avenue Elementary School Scrapbook 1997-2000.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Photo Memories 1999-2000.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Photos 1999-2000, Part I.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Photos 1999-2000, Part II.
Grand Avenue Elementary School – Five Star School, Part I.
Grand Avenue Elementary School – Five Star School, Part II.
Grand Avenue Elementary School – Five Star School, Part III.
Grand Avenue Elementary School – Five Star School, Part IV.
Grand Avenue Elementary School – Five Star School, Part V.
Grand Avenue Elementary School – Five Star School, Part VI.
Grand Avenue Elementary Principal’s Album 2000-2001.
Grand Avenue Elementary Year Book 2001-2002.
Coach Sarah Milton – Support Staff of the Year 2003-2004

Grand Avenue Elementary Principal’s Album 2004-2005.
Grand Avenue Elementary Principal’s Album 2005-2006.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2006-2007

Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2007-2008.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center 2008-2009 Scrapbook, Part I.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center 2008-2009 Scrapbook, Part II.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2008-2009.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2009-2010.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2010-2011.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2011-2012.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2012-2013.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2013-2014.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2014-2015.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal’s Album 2016-2017
Grand Avenue 2016 Young Authors Conference
Grand Avenue 2017 Young Authors Conference
Grand Avenue School Friends Joyce and Herkie
Search for Grand Avenue and find all the posts associated with this school.
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Back to topOral history interview with Sarah Milton, May 31, 2013. Part I
Sarah Milton, Part II
Oral history interview with Sarah Milton, May 31, 2013. Part II
Grand Avenue School PTA meeting notes for October 22, 1926 through May 4, 1927. Grand Avenue School 1926 Part I - Handwritten notes from the first Grand Avenue School Parent Teacher Association Meeting on October 22, 1926 to the end of the school year May 4, 1927.
Grand Avenue School PTA meeting minutes.Grand Avenue School 1926 Part II - PTA meeting reports from October 5, 1926 through April 4, 1927 including committee and treasury reports.
Grand Avenue School PTA meeting minutes. Grand Avenue School 1926 Part III - PTA Executive Committee meeting reports beginning with Father's Night on January 25, 1927 through April 17, 1927.
Grand Avenue School PTA Archives 1932-1933, Part I, including: The Parent-Teacher Associations By- Laws, Florida Congress of Parents and Teachers Suggestions for Historians by Mrs. A. B. Lemmon, State Historian, Grand Avenue School PTA history beginning with the Grand Ave. Parent Teacher Association organized on October 22, 1926 at Delaney School through year 1932.
Letter of congratulations from Grand Ave. PTA to Fern Creek Elementary School on the organization of Fern Creek PTA. Signed by Mrs. Geo. Dewey Hanson, parliamentarian.
Grand Avenue School PTA scrapbook for 1932-1933, Part II including PTA invitations featuring seasonal children's art from 1932 through 1935.
Grand Avenue School PTA scrapbook for 1932-1933, Part III, beginning with the May 9, 1935 PTA meeting and including PTA invitations featuring seasonal children's art from 1935 through 1936.
Grand Avenue School Year Book for 1932-33, made by Publicity Committee on P.T.A. Speedograph. Decorated by Children as an Art Project. Book section one beginning through to January 1933, page 25.
Grand Avenue School Year Book for 1932-33, made by Publicity Committee on P.T.A. Speedograph. Decorated by Children as an Art Project. Book section two through page 65.
Grand Avenue School Year Book for 1932-33, made by the Publicity Committee on P.T.A. Speedograph. Decorated by Children as an Art Project. Book section three, page 65 through 91.
Grand Avenue School Year Book for 1932-33, made by the Publicity Committee on P.T.A. Speedograph. Decorated by Children as an Art Project. Book section four, page 92 to the end.
Grand Avenue School Scrapbook 1930-1936, first section, years 1930-1932.
PTA Scrapbook for 1932-1933 compiled by Mrs. Mark Phillips, Historian, and included in the Grand Avenue School Scrapbook for 1930-1936.
PTA Scrapbooks for 1934-1935, and 1935-1936 compiled by Mrs. Mark Phillips, Historian, and included in the Grand Avenue School Scrapbook for 1930-1936.
1934-1935 Grand Avenue School Year Book made by the Publicity Committee on PTA Speedograph as an Art Project. Includes Certificate from the Florida Branch National Congress of Parents and Teachers, April 29- May 3, 1935, Miami, Florida.
"This is to certify that the publicity scrapbook of the Grand Avenue Association of Parents and Teachers, has been selected by the District of which it is a unit, for exhibition at the State Convention. It has the special of being a part of the FLORIDA state exhibit at the NATIONAL CONVENTION at Miami. Signed, Mrs. G. M. Griffith, State Publicity Chairman" . (See last page of scrapbook for certificate.)
Scrapbook of the Grand Avenue P.T.A. 1938-1939.
Grand Avenue School P. T. A. minutes for the beginning of the school year, September 1943 through January 1944.
Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1948-1949, Part I, pages 1-17. See also Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1948-1949, Part II, pages 18- End.
Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1948-1949, Part II, pages 18- End. Contents includes school and PTA letters and photos from 1948 through 1952. See also Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1948-1949, Part I, pages 1-17.
Grand Avenue School Parent Teacher Association Scrapbook 1952-1953.
Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1954-1955, Part I, pages 1-23. Contents includes school and PTA certificates, letters, and photos from 1954 through 1955. See also Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1954-1955, Part II, page 23- end.
Grand Avenue Parent Teacher Association Year Book 1954-1956, Part II, page 23- end. Contents includes school and PTA certificates, letters, and photos from 1954 through May 1956.
Grand Avenue School of Orlando P. T. A. Year Book 1955-1956. Lists meeting dates, homeroom mothers, and faculty. Includes P.T.A. Prayer.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Parent Teacher Association Scrap Book 1956-1957, Part I, pages 1-17. Scrapbook includes school and PTA articles, letters, invitations, and photos from 1956 through May 1957. See also Grand Avenue Elementary School Parent Teacher Association Scrap Book 1956-1957, Part II, pages 18-end.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Parent Teacher Association Scrap Book 1956-1957, Part II, pages 18-end. Scrapbook includes school and PTA articles, letters, invitations, and photos from 1956 through May 1957.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Scrapbook 1957-58, Part I. Scrapbook includes PTA certificates, articles, photos, committee reports, and Parent Teacher Prayer.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Scrapbook 1957-1958, Part II. Scrapbook includes Our Loyalty Dinner, November 21, 1957 and the Dedication Ceremony, dedicating the lettering for the school, purchased by the P.T.A., 1958.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Scrapbook 1957-1958, Part III. The scrapbook includes the Grand Avenue School Spring Concert, Spring 1958 and the Board Report by Publicity Chairman Mrs. R.D. Hayden.
Grand Avenue P.T.A. Scrapbook 1957-1958, Part IV. The scrapbook includes the Boy Scouts of America Pack Charter granted to the Grand Avenue Elementary School Parent Teacher Association, the April 22, 1958 Report from the Civil Defense Chairman, and PTA award certificates.
Grand Ave. P.T.A. Yearbook 1960-1961 created by Mrs. C.R. Trulock, Historian. The Yearbook includes Grand Avenue Elementary School Teachers of Tomorrow, April 1961 Birthday Dinner photos, and the Annual Report of the President for 1960-61.
Grand Ave. Elementary School Class Groups of 1962-63, Part I, pages 1 through 9.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Class Groups 1962-1963, Part II, pages 10 to end.
Grand Avenue Elementary School PTA Scrap Book 1967-1968. Scrapbook includes list of PTA Executive Officers and Committee Chairmen.
Grand Avenue Elementary School PTA Scrap Book 1968-1969, Part I. VIEW above. Scrapbook includes photos from the 1968 Christmas Party, Veterans Day Program, School Carnival, and Talent Show.
Grand Avenue Elementary School PTA Scrap Book 1968-1969, Part II.
The scrapbook includes photos of the Smile Contest Winners.
Grand Avenue School Scrap Book 1970-71 created by Historian Sue Johnson. Scrap Book includes photos of Mr. Edward Clark, Principal, Mrs. Mary White, PTA President, and school photos from Open house, the Halloween Party, and the Fall Carnival.
Grand Avenue School Scrap Book 1972-73. Scrap Book includes photos of the school Christmas decorations, the Christmas Program, and the Christmas Party.
Principal's Album: Grand Avenue Elementary School 1994-1995, Part I.
Principal's Album: Grand Avenue Elementary School 1994-1995, Part II.
Grand Avenue Elementary Memories 1994-1995, Part I.
Grand Avenue Elementary Memories 1994-1995, Part II.
Grand Avenue Elementary Memories 1994-1995, Part III.
Principal's Album: Grand Avenue Elementary School 1995-1996, Part I.
Principal's Album: Grand Avenue Elementary School 1995-1996, Part II.
Principal's Album: Grand Avenue Elementary School 1996-1997.
Principal's Album: Grand Avenue Elementary School 1998-1999, Part I.
Principal's Album: Grand Avenue Elementary School 1998-1999, Part II.
Nations Bank Salutes the 1999 Graduates of Grand Avenue Elementary School.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Scrapbook 1997-2000.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Photo Memories 1999-2000.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Photos 1999-2000, Part I.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Photos 1999-2000, Part II.
Principal's Album: Grand Avenue Elementary 2000-2001.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Yearbook of 2001-02.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Principal's Album 2004-2005.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Principal's Album 2005-2006.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal's Album for 2007-2008.
Grand Avenue Elementary School Principal's Album 2008-2009.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center 2008-2009 Scrapbook, Part I.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center 2008-2009 Scrapbook, Part II.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal's Album 2009-2010.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal's Album 2010-2011.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal's Album 2011-2012.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal's Album 2012-2013.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal's Album 2013-2014.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal's Album 2014-2015.
Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center Principal's Album 2016-2017.
Grand Avenue Elementary School: Five Star School, Part I.
Grand Avenue Elementary School: Five Star School, Part II.
Grand Avenue Elementary School: Five Star School, Part III.
Grand Avenue Elementary School: Five Star School, Part IV.
Grand Avenue Elementary School: Five Star School, Part V.
Grand Avenue Elementary School: Five Star School, Part VI.
I was a student there in 1974-1976 I just got my old report cards from a family member. I remember Mr. Clark, he was amazing, and my favorite teacher Edith(?) Thrailkill, they definitely made me love books and it carried through my life.
Greetings Pamela! Thank you for visiting Orlando Memory and sharing your memories with us. We hope you find other posts that bring back sweet memories. THE ORLANDO MEMORY TEAM.
Saw my 1st grade picture from 1995 in Mrs. Rodger’s class and immediately scrolled to find my 3 brothers in the other grades and got super emotional. I’ll be visiting Orlando in June and was curious about our school. Sadly, it’s gone but the memories will last forever. Principal John Rudzik really cared about students and made an impression on us in a good way and for that we’ll always be grateful. I graduated with a degree in International Business, my brother is an engineer, the other, earned his masters and works with unversity students, and the oldest brother is an HSSE technician for Shell. We’ve come a long way. I was there when we transitioned to uniforms and I’m proof that IT WORKS!!!
Suleyka, a proud Hornet!
Greetings Suleyka! Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories of Grand Avenue School with everyone. You and your siblings are certainly living examples of the wonderful teachers at Grand Avenue School. We hope you find additional posts that bring back great memories of days gone by and continue to add your memories. THE ORLANDO MEMORY TEAM
I thoroughly enjoyed looking at documents reference Annie B. Lord. My wife’s (Valerie Ann Lord) Grandmother.
Greetings Colonel Jones! Thank you for visiting Orlando Memory and sharing your wife’s relationship with Annie B. Lord! We hope you and your wife will continue to visit our site and share with us your Orlando Memories! ORLANDO MEMORY TEAM
What a great find this was. I went there from ’79 – ’83. Green and Gold Strong and Bold.
I went to school here in the 1970’s with my sisters. I lived right near the school. I could walk to school with my siblings! I don’t remember alot about the school at all. But my sisters always said they loved this school!
What a wonderful documentation of YesterYear. I was a student 1950-half of 1954 until Pineloch Elementary School was completed and opened mid-year. Nostalgic, found my name, my brother’s and my Mother’s mentioned in several clippings. Thank you for posting this tribute to a wonderful Elementary School and Mrs. Lord (with her bell chime in hand.)