Bill Allred said that Bob Snow told him, “to put together the most fantastic super-duper Dixieland Band this area has ever seen or heard.”
If you could listen to these record albums, you’d agree that he did just that!

Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Jazz Band has performed around the country and around the world since it’s inception in 1974.
Band members changed through the years as some moved on to bigger and better things, but the music was always fantastic!
In my humble opinion, Bill Allred, Kent Abreo, Boyd Bergeson, Dave Gannett, Don Lord, Jim Maihack, Randy Morris, Warren Sauers were the best iteration of Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Jazz Band. They were absolutely amazing!

Listen to the Waiter’s Welcome written by Bill Allred. Permission granted for use.

Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Jazz Band and Red Hot Mama Miss Ruth Crews recorded a number of albums at local recording studios including BeeJays Recording Studio on Eggleston near the intersection of Edgewater and Lee Road.
Not only were these great records, but they were phenomenal marketing and advertising pieces. Folks from around the globe visited Church Street Station and took the music back home, encouraging others to come visit and go see the band when they toured Europe.
Don Lord, an original members of the band (seen above on far right holding cornet) , and his wife were celebrated at a Rosie O’Grady reunion and Holly and Dolly’s in Casselberry on April 4, 2004. Photos from the event are under Attachments below.

Peruse the images, audio files, documents and link to Church Street Station marketing video under attachments below.
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Back to topThe patriotic grand finale of the show at Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium brought everyone to their feet! The band leader would pose the question: Are there any folks here from the north? The response would be loud since many of the visitors to Orlando were from the North. The follow up question posed to Southerners would evoke even louder response at which time Ruth Crews and Spatz Donovan would lead the crowd singing Dixie as waiters unfurled the Rebel flag and waved it from the bar.
And then the Rebel flag was put away, Old Glory unfurled and Yankee Doodle sung, followed by "You're a Grand Old Flag" and finale "God Bless America" with everyone on their feet, waiters and can can girls in front of the stage, Uncle Sam on stilts and the Statue of Liberty on stage with Ruth and Spatz.
It was a site to behold and an experience to remember.
Waiters' Welcome - Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium
This is the famed "Waiters' Welcome" song written by Bill Allred and sung nightly by the male waiters at Rosie O'Grady's. The song was performed live at Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium for a live album entitled "Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station" - following two gentlemen visiting the entertainment complex for the evening.
Rosie O'Grady's Waiter's Welcome - Words and music by Bill Allred. Permission granted.
We'd like to welcome everybody to Rosie O'Grady's, the place where all the good times are!
You can forget about your taxes, the weather, the wars, and leave your other cares and woes outside our swinging doors.
We'd like to welcome everybody to Rosie O'Grady's, come in and belly up to the bar.
And if you do, it won't be long before you see why we're rated up there with the flag and mom's apple pie!
We'd like to welcome everybody to Rosie O'Grady's, the place where all the good times are!
Sung by Rosie O'Grady's singing waiters, this was the first song performed each night, and every word was true!
CSS Audio file waiters welcome
Press releases from the 1980s for general media use created to promote Church Street Station entertainers and venues from the files at the Orlando Public Library.
This release entitled "Never a Quiet Moment with Good Time Jazz Band," features Randy Morris, Jim Maihack, Boyd Bergeson, Don Lord, Warren Sauer, Bill Burns.
Press releases from the 1980s for general media use created to promote Church Street Station entertainers and venues from the files at the Orlando Public Library.
Entitled " Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium Recalls Gay 90's to Roaring 20's" this press release declares "Rosie O'Grady's whisks visitors back to the showboat era of strumming banjos, Dixieland bands, bar top can-can girls, Charleston dancers, singing bartenders and waiters and silent movies, the Good Time Jazz Band with the Church Street Minstrel Man, "Last of the Red Hot Mamas," and the flag-waving routines of the Church Street Dynamo..
The release continues drawing attention to the architectural elements that made Rosie O'Grady's not an evening out but a trip back in time.
Press releases from the 1980s for general media use created to promote Church Street Station entertainers and venues from the files at the Orlando Public Library.
The subject and title of this press release is "Ruth Crews - Red Hot Mama," Sophie Tucker, Kate Smith, Bessie Smith and Ethel Merman rolled into one. The press release traces Ruthie's musical career from her early vocal training under Nancy Ness of the Metropolitan Opera to her days in Hollywood on shows like Rawhide, Wagon Train, Maverick and the Lucy Show.
The owner of the Red Garter chain discovered her in 1965 and she appeared in Chicago, New Orleans, St. Louis and San Francisco. It was while on vacation to New Orleans that Ruth stopped by a Pensacola, Florida "dixieland joint" called Rosie O'Grady's - Seville Quarter. One of the musicians recognized her from a gig in New Orleans and she was invited to sit in for a couple of tunes. Needless to say, Ruthie never took t hat vacation.
Recorded in 1977, Dixie-Direct featuring Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Jazz Band is a Direct Disk recording. The mic setup for the recording is explained in detail on the inside of the fold open album cover with great photos of each of the band members as I remember them from Rosie's golden days from the time they opened on July 26, 1974 until Bill Allred left the band at Church Street Station to take on other musical adventures with his own band performing around the world.
At the time the band included: Bill Allred, Randy Morris, Warren Sauer, Dave Gannett, Jim Maihack, Don Lord, Kent Abreo, Boyd Bergeson.
Front and back covers
Recorded in 1977, Dixie-Direct featuring Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Jazz Band is a Direct Disk recording. The mic setup for the recording is explained in detail on the inside of the fold open album cover with great photos of each of the band members as I remember them from Rosie's golden days from the time they opened on July 26, 1974 until Bill Allred left the band at Church Street Station to take on other musical adventures with his own band performing around the world.
At the time the band included from left clockwise:
Bill Allred (red shirt), Randy Morris, Warren Sauer, Dave Gannett, Jim Maihack, Don Lord, Kent Abreo, Boyd Bergeson.
Inside Cover
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