Pine Hills Community Council member Bertina Busch talks about the Pine Hills neighborhood of Orlando and her memories of the area in this January 7, 2013 video interview at the Hiawassee Branch Library with library manager Ken Gibert.

Bertina Busch
Vol. X, No. 2, April/May: Article about the Pine Hills Fire Station, which later housed the Pine Hills Community Council. The fire station was located at 710 North Pine Hills Road (NW corner of North Pine Hills Road and West Colonial). The building was damaged when a newspaper delivery car crashed into the building and caused structural damage.
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Vol. IX, No. 6, Dec/Jan, 2004-2005: Article about plans for a Pine Hills Town Center. Included in the plans were changes to Evans High School.
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Vol. X, No. 2, April/May, 2005: In 2005 Rolling Hills Elementary School as awarded the 2004 School Change Award. They had previously been a critically low, failing school. The school thanked and recognized Hardee’s and the Haberkamp family for their contribution. The Haberkamps’s had been a Partner in Education with the school for over a decade, their contributions included: providing cookies for every student-of-the-month, donating to the PTA, carnivals, providing breakfast for FCAT Saturday school, and more. READ
Back to topMonday, January 7th, 2013. Pine Hills Community Council member Bertina Busch talks about the Pine Hills neighborhood of Orlando and her memories of the area. Busch Interview part 2/3
Monday, January 7th, 2013. Pine Hills Community Council member Bertina Busch talks about the Pine Hills neighborhood of Orlando and her memories of the area. Busch Interview part 3/3
Monday, January 7th, 2013. Pine Hills Community Council member Bertina Busch talks about the Pine Hills neighborhood of Orlando and her memories of the area.