Interview with Vietnam Veteran Marv Suriff at VFW Post 10147 in Apopka, FL, May 19th, 2010. Veteran Suriff served in the U.S. Air Force in Thailand and Vietnam. His more memorable experiences include facing enemy fire from across the border and the great comradeship in the military. He reflects on the meaning of Memorial Day and the discipline he learned while serving his country.
LISTEN (5:32) Filename: marv_suriff.mp3
Back to topInterview with Vietnam Veteran Marv Suriff at VFW Post 10147 in Apopka, FL, May 19th, 2010. Veteran Suriff served in the U.S. Air Force in Thailand and Vietnam. His more memorable experiences include facing enemy fire from across the border and the great comradeship in the military. He reflects on the meaning of Memorial Day and the discipline he learned while serving his country.