The beauty of a garden in Florida is a year around joy as seen in these photos of Mrs. Wallace’s garden, November 2012. Mrs. Wallace, an Orlando native, does all the work herself. She is a retired school teacher who like many Floridians in The Sunshine State, prefers gardening in the cool of the morning.

ABOVE: Adelma Wallace, Orange County educator and lifetime member of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Institutional Church in downtown Orlando. We invite you to listen to her church oral history interview and learn more about historic Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Institutional Church.
If as John Keats wrote, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” then the memory of Mrs. Wallace’s garden will be forever green.
We invite you to glimpse the delight of an unexpected morning visit to a backyard garden in the City Beautiful.
Photos by Jane Tracy
Explore more images under Attachments below.
Adelma Wallace, Orange County educator and lifetime member of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Institutional Church in downtown Orlando.
We invite you to listen to her church oral history interview and learn more about historic Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Institutional Church.
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