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George Stuart Office Supply 1938 – 1989

George Stuart Office Supply Closes

The November 18, 1989, edition of the Orlando Sentinel brought sadness to many Orlando residents who had frequented George Stuart Office Supply at Robinson and Magnolia since it opened in 1938. The Sentinel reported that the “51-year-old Orlando company that was synonymous with the office supply trade in Central Florida, filed this week to liquidate its assets under the federal bankruptcy code.”

The article went on to state that “the name George Stuart meant office supplies to Central Florida residents. At its peak in the mid-1970s, the company had sales in excess of $10 million annually and held a strong position in Central Florida’s office supply market.”

George Stuart brand staples
George Stuart brand staple box from the collection of Douglas Spiher.

George Stuart Office Supply was like an office version of an old fashion hardware store. If they didn’t have it, you didn’t need it. They had virtually every type of typewriter or adding machine ribbon ever made. Folks would drive from miles around to visit the Robinson Avenue store to get their office supplies. In 1977 there were other locations at 520 South Highway 17-92 in Casselberry and at 2420 North Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando, but the store at 133 East Robinson Street was always my favorite.

George Stuart AdView larger image

Oral History Night with the Stuart Family

Listen to the audio files below, from the College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family.

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family – Part 1 – Robert Stuart

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family – Part 2 – George Stuart, Jr.

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family – Part 3 – Charlie Stuart

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family – Part 4 – Robert Stuart

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family – Part 5 – Roy Brand

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George Stuart Office Supply circa 1960

George Stuart Office Supply company stood for decades at the intersection of Robinson and Rosalind Streets with the parking lot and entry...

George Stuart Advertisement October 1977

This advertisement was on the back cover of the program for the 38th Annual NAACP Convention held in Orlando, October 21-23, 1977....

George Stuart brand Staples

Image of George Stuart brand Staple box shared by Douglas Spiher.

George Stuart brand Staples

Image of George Stuart brand Staple box shared by Douglas Spiher.

George Stuart brand Staples

Image of George Stuart brand Staple box shared by Douglas Spiher.

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - Robert Stuart

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - Robert Stuart

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - George Stuart, Jr.

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - George Stuart, Jr.

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - Charlie Stuart

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - Charlie Stuart

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - Robert Stuart

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - Robert Stuart

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - Roy Brand

College Park Oral History Night with the Stuart Family - Roy Brand

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Comments to “George Stuart Office Supply 1938 – 1989”

  1. Tom Pitman says:

    I worked for George Stuart in their advertising department (The Agency of Orlando) with Jacob Stuart, Prudy Krohne, and Gail Hill-Smith from early 1979 until late 1984 or early ’85. Originally in an office over the Hames Street warehouse, then in an office along the side street off Robinson in the back of the store. Best job I ever had working with the nicest group of people you were ever to meet.

    • Kim P says:

      Greetings Mr. Pitman! Thank you for sharing your memories of working at George Stuart Office Supply on Orlando Memory. I was a customer, but also found the people most kind and helpful every time I was there. We hope you find other posts on Orlando Memory that bring back memories of days gone by. THE ORLANDO MEMORY TEAM

  2. LMD says:

    My parents moved to Orlando area in mid-1970’s. Both have since died. One of the items I “inherited” was a yellow box of standard staples with George Stuart, Inc. (in cursive font), 133 E. ROBINSON AVE. ORLANDO, FLA. PHONE GARDEN 5-4511 all imprinted in dark green ink. Box was probably made before zip codes, two-letter state abbreviations & ten-digit telephone numbers… At any rate, I just used up the last of the staples, having used a few here and there over the last 20+ years. The staples functioned flawlessly too. Anyway, rather than throw the box away, I thought maybe a family member or museum may want it. It’s in remarkably good shape for a decades old cardboard box!

    • Kim P says:

      Greetings LMD! Thank you for visiting Orlando Memory and sharing your comments about the George Stuart Office Supply Company on Robinson Avenue. Based on the telephone number, the staple container is probably from the 1970s. We will contact you via email about your offer! We hope you will continue to search Orlando Memory for more posts that bring back memories of days gone by and continue to share your memories with us all. THE ORLANDO MEMORY TEAM

  3. Herb says:

    I used to go to George Stewart with my father to pick up supplies for his office. I remember when they expanded their location into the store next door. The elevation was different and they had to add some steps between the stores.

    • Kim P says:

      Thanks for sharing your memories of George Stuart Office Supply store. I loved going to that store. It seemed like they had every type of calculator and typewriter ribbon ever made! Thanks again for reminiscing with us. We hope you find more posts that bring back great memories! THE ORLANDO MEMORY TEAM

  4. Lisa says:

    I have an old “Letters” box from George Stuart if anyone is interested in it. it is in fair condition as one of the flaps is about to come off.

    • Kim P says:

      Greetings Liza! Thanks for visiting Orlando Memory. We hope you find additional posts that bring back fond memories. ORLANDO MEMORY TEAM

  5. Alexander says:

    I worked for the Stewart for 5 years enjoyed all the days I work there I also came
    friend with Annie.

    • Kim P says:

      Alexander, thank you for visiting Orlando Memory and commenting on the post for George Stewart Office Supply! I LOVED going there in the early 1970s! I worked at WMFE-TV (located in the Mid Florida Tech building on Oakridge Road at the time) and was tasked with picking up office supplies every few weeks. I always made sure I made my run so I could spend part of my lunch hour browsing the shelves. I bought my first “electric” typewriter at George Stuart. I think it was a Royal and it was barely electric when compared to the IBM Selectric with correcting tape that was all the rage at the time. We hope you find more posts of interest on Thank you for bringing back memories!

  6. Marilyn Herrin says:

    I am sort of putting together a memoir of my life in photos and I ran across this. I was one of your marketing/sales rep for the Micom word processor and called on KSC and later went to work for them. I hope all is well with all of you Stuarts. I am now 76 years old and in good health back in my home town of Dallas. I actually retired from the CIA in Virginia. It is amazing where all the word processor took me in life.

    • Carol says:

      Did you know my grandfather Gene Moore

      • J crews says:

        I knew Gene Moore. I worked with him for many years at the Robinson street location until his retirement. He always brought us bacon and egg sandwiches from the corner restaurant. When he retired, we bought him fishing gear. He was a very nice man.

        • Kim P says:

          Greetings Joan! Thank you so much for your information on Gene Moore. What nice memories of Mr. Moore! We hope you find other posts that bring back memories of the good old days here in Orlando.

      • Kim P says:

        Hello, Marilyn! Thank you for visiting Orlando Memory. Unfortunately, the staff who created the post about the George Stuart Office Supply store on Robinson Street, did not know the staff personally. If you would like to share with us more information about your Grandfather Gene and his occupation, please add to the comments. If you have a photo of him at work there, we’d love to add it to our post. Thank you again for visiting Orlando Memory.

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