ABOVE: 1950 photo of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in College Park at Christmas. St. Michael’s used the storefront at 2502 1/2 Edgewater Drive, currently Top Drawer, in College Park from April 1949 to May 1951. The first service at 2499 N. Westmoreland Drive in College Park was held on Whitsunday, May 13, 1951.
My first remembrance of our church was the small chapel on Edgewater Drive. A few young couples with small children and a sprinkling of older people made up the congregation. The children sat in little chairs outside, behind the church, to have their Bible lesson, if the weather was good….

ABOVE: Lucy Bower (far right) and Lourah Lott fellowship at Saint Michael’s Episcopal Church in College Park, circa 1970.
Lucile Ellison Bower shares her memories of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in College Park from the early days of Bible stories in the sand to the beautiful, growing church it is today “full of God’s loving spirit and bountiful grace”.
LISTEN (10:49)

ABOVE: Lucy and Harry Bower, center, at Saint Michael’s Church Easter Egg Hunt, 1986.
Biography of Lucile E. Bower who has been a “devoted member of Saint Michael’s Episcopal Church in College Park since its beginning”. My first remembrance of our church was the small chapel on Edgewater Drive. A few young couples with small children and a sprinkling of older people made up the congregation. The children sat in little chairs outside, behind the church, to have their Bible lesson, if the weather was good….
Biography of Harry Bower who was an active member of Saint Michael’s Episcopal Church in College Park for over 50 years. This biography is courtesy of his wife, Mrs. Lucile E. Bower. Mr. Bower passed away in 2012. READ his obituary on Legacy.com
Memories of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church Part I Part II
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Back to topSt. Michael's Episcopal Church was established in 1948 in College Park of Orlando. They have a variety of ministries reaching out to the community and the Church, making a difference in people's lives. Learn more.