ABOVE: Featured image is the kneeler at the altar of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in College Park embroidered by Rebecca Thomas Millitzer.
Mrs. Millitzer did a lot of the needlepoint in the main church as seen in the below photos.
Mrs. Millitzer, a legacy member of St. Michael’s, saw individual kneelers in London and thought we need to have those at St Michael’s. Her sister, Doris Wilkins, saw a rose window on one of her travels and initiated having a rose window for St. Michael’s. Doris and her husband, Sam Wilkins, gave the center rose window medallion, The Hand of God – “The Creation”. Sam Wilkins also handcrafted the lights in the church sanctuary.

ABOVE: Rebecca Thomas Millitzer of St. Michael’s Church
Doris Wilkins and Becky Millitzer are daughters of A. J. Thomas, the founder of Thomas Lumber Company.
The tradition of art and service has carried on through the family as Becky’s daughters, her sister, and Mrs. Millitzer worked together on the needlepoint for the kneelers at the altar in the chapel. These were done in memory of Minnie Thomas, Mrs. Millitzer’s mother.
Learn more about St. Michael’s art and the handcrafted contributions of its members in this church history interview with Rebecca Thomas Millitzer on June 18, 2012.
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