Grand Avenue Elementary School Principal's Album 2006-2007
  School Principal, Lino Rodriguez, is pictured first row, far right with faculty.   Mrs. Orduna pictured with her students.   Mrs. Scoma and her Pre-Kindergarten Class.   Ms. Synder pictured with her Pre-Kindergarten cl ... Read more
1934-1935 Grand Avenue School Year Book
1934-1935 Grand Avenue School Year Book made by the Publicity Committee on PTA Speedograph as an Art Project. VIEW the yearbook. Includes Certificate from the Florida Branch National Congress of Parents and Teachers, April 29- May 3, 1935, Miami, Flori ... Read more
Grand Avenue Elementary School Principal's Album 2005-2006
Mrs. Tillman's 2nd Grade Class from the Grand Avenue Elementary School Principal's Album 2005-2006. VIEW Album.   Explore the treasures in the Grand Avenue School archives. ... Read more
Janet Reno Visits Grand Avenue Elementary School
Janet Reno visits Grand Avenue Elementary School. Photos from the event can be found in the 1997-2000 Grand Avenue School Scrapbook. VIEW Scrapbook. Florida native Janet Reno served as U.S. Attorney General from February 1993 until January 2001. Ms ... Read more
Bertie Hunt's Concord Park School Day Memories
ABOVE: The 4th grade Girl Scout Troop of Concord Park Elementary School, circa 1950. Concord Park Elementary School was truly a beautiful school... pristine white, bells in the towers, built about 1925, as Bertie Hunt remembers it from her school days an ... Read more