Oral History Interview with Dr. Robert Byrd
My name is Robert Byrd and I was born in Orlando, actually at my grandmother's house on Cottage Hill Road which was a little rock road off of what we then called the Old Winter Garden Highway... It was just a little bit beyond what I think you now call th ... Read more
Oral History Interview with Dr. Robert Byrd
My name is Robert Byrd and I was born in Orlando, actually at my grandmother's house on Cottage Hill Road which was a little rock road off of what we then called the Old Winter Garden Highway... It was just a little bit beyond what I think you now call th ... Read more
Grand Avenue School Friends Joyce & Herkie
ABOVE: Joyce (Bossi) Erickson's Florida souvenir photo album with Grand Avenue School photos of her happy times growing up in the City Beautiful. Joyce Bossi is pictured in the center left, 1940-1941 student at Grand Avenue School. Joyce and I were friend ... Read more
Oral History Interview with School Principal Irma Achenbach Scudder
I came from Germany when I was 4 1/2 years old. It was 1924 and it was very different from it is now. We lived in College Park and there was no water no lights no street paving... My father... he bought a lot and he and a friend built us a little house i ... Read more
The Open Air School
Education pioneer Erna Wentzler Achenbach was trained in Germany by Maria Montessori and Friedrich Froebel. She and her husband came to settle in College Park where she started the Open Air School and introduced our community to the concept of "kindergart ... Read more