Early publications of the Orange County Library System and the Friends of the Library include Footnotes, the Friends of the Library Newsletter, and Books and Beyond. Simple versions of Books and Beyond (2000-2004) blossomed through the years with the first full-color edition published in October 2002. Today’s Books and Beyond is a full-color monthly news and information magazine, still sponsored by the Friends of the Library and produced by the library’s marketing and graphics departments. As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the library in 2022, these publications preserve the history of the Friends of the Library, special events, programs, art and innovation shared with the people of Orange County through the years.
Books and Beyond 1996-1999
The first Books and Beyond was published in October 1996 and announced by the Friends of the Library.
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The 1996 Books and Beyond has dedicated sections: Friends of the Library, Children’s Corner, Special Programs for Everyone, and Etc., which includes Library locations, important dates and events. While the 1996 Books and Beyond was larger than the FOL newsletter, it was still a single sheet printed on colorful paper folded to create four pages. The Books and Beyond publication took a giant leap forward with the first full-color 6-page publication in October 2002. It kept growing until that format was replaced by a 20-page magazine in February or March 2007. The size continued to expand to 24 pages in April and 28 pages in November.

View October 1996 Books and Beyond.
May 1996 is the last Friends of the Library Newsletter we have, but the first Books and Beyond was the October 1996 edition. We are not sure if the June-September editions exist, but we are searching for them to complete the collection!
Surfing is the hot topic in October 1996 – not the big waves at Cocoa Beach, but the internet in the library! The Discover Broadway at the Library series with the Florida Theatrical Association, moderated by Ben Brotemarkle of WMFE 90.7 FM is back for the 1996-1997 season. The December Books and Beyond promotes Library Open Forums scheduled monthly through March 1997 with Library Director Dorothy Field and the administrative staff.

View April 1997 Books and Beyond.
In January, Music in the Library and Discover Broadway in the Library continue and Second Saturday features the Festival Chamber Singers from the Bach Festival Choir under the direction of Dr. John Sinclair. The February edition promotes the Quest Line reference service. The April B&B promotes MAYL, the library’s home delivery service. MAYL began in 1974 as Mailbox Access From Your Library, but the meaning changed to Materials Access From Your Library since most items were no longer mailed but delivered. Authors Loreen Leedy and Ed Bloor participated in Reading Fest in October 1997 and the library announced that Library On Line was live!
January February March April May June July
August September October November December

View November 1998 Books and Beyond.
Smokey Joe’s Café was next in the Discover Broadway series in January, and Dr. John Sinclair and the Festival Chamber Singers from the Bach Festival Choir perform for Second Saturday. The June issue promotes the release of Library On Line Second Edition with the ability to request items for home delivery, leave a question for reference staff, leave a comment or suggestion and access a periodical database of magazines.

View December 1998 Books and Beyond.
The Second Saturday event in November 1998 celebrates the library’s Diamond Jubilee – 75 years of service – with director Dorothy Field and award-winning Florida author Patrick Smith, and the Herndon Library grand opening celebration is December 3rd.
January February March April May June July
August September October November December
Note: The January 1998 Books and Beyond was printed as January 1997. This is the reason the 7 is overwritten with an eight.

View February 1999 Books and Beyond.
The February 1999 B&B announces the groundbreaking for the new East Orange Library. The May edition features an invitation to the grand opening of the new Children’s Library on May 23, with fanciful murals depicting scenes from the Wizard of Oz, a cracker-style “Cross Creek” porch reminiscent of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, and a colorful mobile called “Under the Sea”. Also in May, the Sweet Adelines performed at Music in the Library, Sunset Boulevard was the Discover Broadway selection, and Mark Andrews and Jim Robison presented Citrus Central: the role of citrus in Central Florida’s history and development.

View May 1999 Books and Beyond.
The report on the FOL Annual Meeting and Volunteer Luncheon and the election of new Officers for the Friends of the Library Board was also featured, as it is every June. The October B&B announces the addition of the Orlando Sentinel Online featuring full text of newspaper articles from 1985 to present. The November B&B invites families, teachers and childcare givers to an Open House at South Trail, Washington Park, North Orange, West Orange and Main.
January February March April May June July
August September October November December
Peruse Books and Beyond from 2000-2004.
Back to topFriends' news announcing 1st Books and Beyond - October 1996
Books and Beyond October 1996
Books and Beyond November 1996
Books and Beyond December 1996
Books and Beyond January 1997
Books and Beyond February 1997
Books and Beyond March 1997
Books and Beyond April 1997
Books and Beyond May 1997
Books and Beyond June 1997
Books and Beyond July 1997
Books and Beyond August 1997
Books and Beyond September 1997
Books and Beyond October 1997
Books and Beyond November 1997
Books and Beyond December 1997
Books and Beyond January 1998
Books and Beyond February 1998
Books and Beyond March 1998
Books and Beyond April 1998
Books and Beyond May 1998
Books and Beyond June 1998
Books and Beyond July 1998
Books and Beyond August 1998
Books and Beyond September 1998
Books and Beyond October 1998
Books and Beyond November 1998
Books and Beyond December 1998
Books and Beyond January 1999
Books and Beyond February 1999
Books and Beyond March 1999
Books and Beyond April 1999
Books and Beyond May 1999
Books and Beyond June 1999
Books and Beyond July 1999
Books and Beyond August 1999
Books and Beyond
Books and Beyond
Books and Beyond
Books and Beyond