Winners of The 2016 Pine Castle Woman’s Club Fifth Grade Essay Contest were celebrated at a luncheon hosted by the Pine Castle Woman’s Club on April 13, 2016.
Students wrote original essays on the theme: If I Could Teach the History of Our Orange County Pioneers….
First prize winner, Christina Cross, received a plaque for her school and $100.00. Second place winner, Suhzanne Lorber, received $75.00. Third place winner, Olivia Casola, received $50.00 and merit winner, Taylor Dehlinger, received $25.00.
The winning students read their essays for an audience of special guests including their parents, teachers, school principals, and Pine Castle Woman’s Club members.

School representation included: Dr. Kreil, Principal of Blankner Elementary School, and Blankner educator, Ms. Heinz; Paula Downey, Principal of Cornerstone Charter Academy, and Cornerstone educator, Mrs. Loveland; Bernadette Jaster, Principal of Pershing Elementary School, and Pershing educator, Patricia Fisher; Pamela Crabb, Principal of Shenadoah Elementary School, and Shenandoah educator, Mrs. Grant.
Mrs. Cathie Clark, wife of Orange County Commissioner Pete Clarke, and Ms. Cindy Brown, representing Congressman Daniel Webster, also attended the luncheon.
Pine Castle Womans Club member, Tommie Hosier, presented “Mrs. Mary Johns Walker”, the life of an early pioneer.
Listen to this presentation of local history narrative, storytelling, and oration of original essays on the history of Orange County by our future leaders.
LISTEN Part I (18:51) Introduction and “Mrs. Mary Johns Walker”, presentation part one.
LISTEN Part II (13:31) “Mrs. Mary Johns Walker” presentation of pioneer life by Tommie Hosier.
LISTEN Part III (6:34) Statement by Pine Castle Woman’s Club Essay Contest Event Chair, Ginni Christopher.
LISTEN Part IV (17:46) Student oratory of their award winning essays: If I Could Teach the History of Our Orange County Pioneers…. Presenters are in alphabetical order by school name.

Read Miss Casola’s award winning essay.

Read Miss Cross’ award winning essay which placed first in the contest.

Read Mr. Dehlinger’s award winning essay.
Shenandoah Elementary School Fifth Grade Essay Contest Winner Suzhanne Lorber.
Read Suzhanne Lorber’s award winning essay.
The students and their guests enjoyed a delicious luncheon of home cooked lasagna provided by the Pine Castle Woman’s Club. Pine Castle Woman’s Club member, Ruthie Harrell, is pictured above serving as luncheon hostess.
Ginni Christopher pictured above center chaired The Pine Castle Women’s Club Essay Contest and Luncheon.
Gail Padgett, pictured far right, is the President of The Pine Castle Woman’s Club.
Pine Castle Woman’s Club member, Tommie Hosier, is pictured to the far left in her pioneer woman costume.
Back to topIf I taught Orange County Pioneer's history I would first learn about the districts and properties within towns like Winter Park, Eatonville, Orlando, Fort Christmas, and Windermere. There aer so many historical places to learn about our Orange County Pioneer's history...
Excerpt from Shenandoah Elementary School Fifth Grade Essay Contest Winner Suzhanne Lorber's essay. Read Suzhanne Lorber's award winning essay.
The best way I could teach Orange County's history is by the kids acting out and living the life that the pioneers lived, and experiencing how they lived it. For example, I could have them work in groups. One group was in charge of cooking. From what they learn from the cooking, field trips, websites, museums, and historical sites they can demonstrate the process of cooking...
Excerpt from Pershing Elementary School Pine Castle Woman's Club Fifth Grade Essay Contest Winner Taylor Dehlinger's essay. Read Mr. Dehlinger's award winning essay.
A pioneer is a person who is the first to settle in an area. So, our Orange County Pioneers are the first people to settle here. These settlers came to Florida from 1840 to 1880. Often times, people made a living by farming. Some of the most common crops grown at that time were oranges, grapefruit, and mangoes.... One thing that many pioneers traded was oranges. In fact, that's how Orange County got its name! Because of the warm weather conditions, citrus thrived in Florida....
Excerpt from Blankner Elementary Pine Castle Woman's Club Fifth Grade Essay Contest Winner Olivia Casola's essay. Read Miss Casola's award winning essay.
If I could teach the history of our Orange County pioneers, I would tell you how this community started. These hardworking, brave, and courageous people settled here and created the towns we live in today. Orange County pioneers aren't just people from a long time ago they are our history...
Like many of the pioneers who came before me, I am proud to be part of this great community and am grateful for their contributions. I honor those who came before us by continuing to build our community, being involved, giving back, keeping our lakes clean, and protecting the environment, and I am proud to be an American, a Floridian, a citizen of Orange County, and a resident of Belle Isle. I pledge to work to build this community and in doing so honor those pioneers.
Excerpt from Cornerstone Charter Academy Pine Castle Woman's Club Fifth Grade Essay Contest Winner Christina Cross' essay. Read Miss Cross' award winning essay which placed first in the 2016 contest.