The yearbook staff wrote this about the 1943 Tigando.
The Impossible has happened! For a long time it was thought that the Senior Class of 1943 would not be able to publish a Tigando this year. Paper was scarce, material was hard to obtain, metal was needed for war production, photographic material was hard to obtain, and living costs had gone up. These were only a few of the objections which faced a small group of faithful Tigando supporters.
However, as the end of the first semester came around, these faculty members and students finally convinced the student body that an Annual would be possible, and they set out to produce a condensed version of the former O.H.S. publications. Although our year book does not contain the length or copiousness of previous editions, it will serve as a memory index of high school friends and experiences.
Click on links for Orlando Senior High School Tigando 1943 yearbook images.
The title page from the Orlando High School 1943 yearbook. The yearbook is called the “Tigando” and due to shortages during World War II, it was almost not published. The title page reads: “The Senior Class of Nineteen Hundred and Forty-three at Orlando Senior High School presents the War-time Edition of the Tigando.”
Table of contents pages with photos of Mariel Riddle, Betty Anne Shiver, Mr. Bernard Myers. Mentions Barbara Draper and Mr. Boone and students who have left school to join various branches of the Service. They mention that many Senior boys will step out of their caps and gowns into olive drab at Camp Blanding (Army Camp near Jacksonville).
The 1943 Orlando Senior High School yearbook – Tigando – was dedicated to The students and teachers fighting for our nation. Listed on this age are Teachers: Paul Bouton, Jr. – Lost in Action over Europe A.A.C.; James Mulholland, U.S.N.; Carlisle Hughes, U.S.N.; Vauhan Magarian, U.S.A.; Lulu Blakey, W.A.A.C.; Robert Harris, U.S.A.; Nathan Moss, U.S.A.; William Duy, U.S.A.; Clyde Jones, U.S.N.
Administration team members mentioned are Mrs. Myrtice C. Holton, Miss Ruth E. Mier, Mr. W. R. Boone including photos of Mrs. Holton and Mr. Boone.
Office Force members named and photographed include Laura Ann Owens, Leota Blakeslee, Barbara Mink, Jean Parker, Betty Raulerson, Marjorie McMillan, Marjory Carmichael, Jean Rudich, Marjory Purcell, Sally Lou Heasley, Lillian Bouton, Miss Mier, Jean Volkert, Margaret Harris, Betty Blake, Betty Jean Spear.
Library Force members named and photographed include Catherine Wells, Julianna Neel, Betty Cargill, Laura Meyer, Ann Masek, June Taylor, Shirley Clapper, Janice Hoffner, Margorie Tyler, Annie Jo Smith, Evelyn Evans, Josephine Bledsoe, Janel Fredrick, May Porter, Betty Brams, Myra Baird, Miriam Kottleman.
Monitors named and photographed include Joe Drawdy, Stanley Tetenbaum, George Fox, Walter Carpenter, Bill Drawdy, Clarence Rose, Cleve Atkins, Billy Freeman L.W. Emerson, Calvin Warren, Mr. Brokenshire.
Faculty pictured and mentioned on this page are Myra Agnew, Novella Aulin, Helen Bass, Margaret Brewton, Gordon Brokenshire, Belle Brooks, Anna Bruce, Anne Carter, Lois Carter, Mildred Camburn, Mildred Cawthon, Ethel Crawford, Barbara Draper, Emma Edwards, Lillian Eldredge, Helen Evans, Sarah Ferrel, Jane Gibeault, Lorena Hendry, Walter Hovater, Edna Hudson, Julian Hyer, L A Kirst, Irene Lighthiser, Evalyn M. McEntire, Dorothy McMakin, Irene Miller, Mildred Murphy, Bernard Myers, Leon Osborn, Lila Pardue, Harry Parker, Louise Rogers, Hampton Schofield, Clifford Shaheen, Nobie Simpson, Reeves Stingley, Anne Stone, Mildred Story, Elisabeth Tinkler, Lorena Thomas, Anne Van Nest, Paul Warner, Helene Webb, Catherine Wells, May Holbrook.
Mentioned on this page are Mr. Bernard Myers, Jimmy Oglive – President, Sam Lewis – Vice President, Mary Ann McElroy, Billie Eva Shell.
Surnames on this page include: Aldrich, Armstrong, Arnold, Atkins, Austin, Banks, Barber, Barnes, Barnum, Bartram, Bates, Batts, Baxter, Beattie, Becker, Belitz, Blackburn.
Surnames on this page include: Blake, Blakeslee, Bledsoe, Boyer, Braddock, Bradwell, Brand, Brannon, Breckenridge, Bridges, Bronson, Broome, Brown, Browning, Burton, Caldwell, Campbell, Carmichael, Carr, Carter.
Surnames on this page include: Chaffin, Chambliss, Chapman, Chappell, Clark, Clapper, Clayman, Clements, Cole, Congleton, Conoley, Copps, Cory, Cox, Cubbedge, Chamberlin, Dann.
Surnames on this page include: Datson, Davis, De Butts, Deem, Denny, Dippy, Dyson, Dowling, Dukes, Doering, Donnell, Dorsey, Edwards, Englsh, Enwright, Enzor, Eubanks.
Surnames included on this page: Ewell, Falls, Farnum, Flauss, Flynt, Fredenburg, Freeman, Fulenwider, Gagen, Gardner, Gardiner, Gertner, Gillis, Gilmore, Graham, Grice, Harding, Hardin, Harris, Hart.
Surnames of students pictured on this page include: Heasley, Heckle, Henderson, Hendrix, Herlihy, Hill, Hillman, Hodgskin, Hoffner, Houser, Hughes, Humphreys, Hutchason, Irwin, Jackson, Jacob, Jarvis, Johnson, Jones. Dorothy Glynn Dollins Jones married James E. Staples and had three daughters: Jane Newton, Barbara Sanborn, and Patricia McNabb. Many years after James died, she married David Leon Segool. Dotty as she was called by friends when she was in school, died on November 19, 2005.
Surnames of students pictured on this page include: Jones, Keith, Key, Kirst, Knight, Knox, Lampman, Langham, Langston, Layton, Leach, Lee, Levy, Lewis, Logan, Lowe, Lucas, Maguire.
Surnames of students pictured on this page include: Marsh, Matthews, McDonald, McElroy, McFarland, McGee, McKnight, McLaurin, McMillan, Meitin, Menendez, Meyer, Miller, Mink, Moorman, Morgan, Murphy, Murray.
Surnames of students pictured on this page include: Neel, Nelson, Newbold, Newell, Nicholas, Nydegger, Nirenberg, Ogilvie, Owens, Osburn, Oren, Padgett, Parker, Parrish, Perdue, Perry, Peters, Phillips.
Surnames of students pictured on this page include: Phillips, Pihos, Porter, Potter, Powel, Prather, Riddle, Radcliffe, Rauch, Raulerson, Richey, Rider, Ricker, Roberts, Robertson, Rogers, Roop, Rudich, Russell.
Surnames of students pictured on this page include: Staton, Stevens, Stewart, Stover, Sweat, Tanner, Tinklepaugh, Torrance, Tucker, Tyson, Underhill, Upham, Vedder, Volkert, Voorhees, Vreeland, Walker.
Surnames of students pictured on this page include: Webb, Wellons, White, Wilder, Williams, Willis, Windom, Wolf, Woolf, Wright, Young, Hoequist, Thomas. Students not pictured in the individual photographs are listed here as well: Alford, Anderson, Bandi, Brauns, Brooks, Butler, Cane, Collins, Conley, Crane, Dickerson, Fields, Garrett, Gorsuch, Graveley, Hager, Hale, Haley, Harrell, Hawkins, Hayes, Henry, Lawrence, Lord, Luff, Marter, Pheil, Prange, Ryder, Sanderson, Sellars, Siegel, Stevens, Strickle, Thompson, Thrasher, Tucker, Turner, Warnock, Williams.
Most and Best Seniors Page 1
This page includes the following Seniors: Robin Hill and Stuart Farnum – Most likely to succeed; Mary Jane Kirst and Bob Doering – Most scholastic; Betty Anne Shiver and Ben Blackburn – Best all around; Sue Barber and Ted Staton, Friendliest, and Lizzie Saine and Jimmie Ogilvie – Most popular.
Most and Best Seniors Page 2
This page includes Seniors Marjo Dukes and Sam Lewis – Wittiest; Virginia Donnell and Sam Lewis – Laziest; Frances Layton – Most beautiful; Nancy Barber and Charles Campbell – Cutest, and Claire Armstrong and Jimmie Torrence – Best actors.
Most and Best Seniors Page 3
This page includes the following Seniors: Robin Hill and Ben Blackburn – Most dependable; Ted Staton – Handsomest; Pat Slaughter and Cleve Atkins – Best dressed; Nancy Ewell and Dick Phillips – Best Dancer, and Bae Wolf and Pierce Robertson – Most athletic.
Keeping with the military inspired theme, the Senior class published their Last Will and Testament under the heading “Official O.H.S. Communique Subject Will and Subject Prophecy.” Many if not all Seniors are mentioned on these two pages. If your ancestor was in the 1943 Senior Class at Orlando Senior High School, you may want to browse these pages.
Keeping wth the military inspired theme, the Senior class published their Last Will and Testament under the heading “Official O.H.S. Communique Subject Will and Subject Prophecy.” Many if not all Seniors are mentioned on these two pages. If your ancestor was in the 1943 Senior Class at Orlando Senior High School, you may want to browse these pages.
The 1943 Orlando Senior High School yearbook – Tigando – was dedicated to The students and teachers fighting for our nation. This page includes photos of some of these brave young men in their military uniforms. The names listed on this page include: Tommy Scott, U.S. Navy; Richard Clark, U.S. Navy; Clyde Ammerman, U.S. Navy; Billy O’Rork, U.S. Navy; Richard Johnston, U.S. Navy; Cecil Mooney, U.S. Navy; David O’Rork, U.S. Navy; Nelson Davis, U.S. Navy, B. S. Nelson, U.S. Navy; Osborn and Parslow, U.S.M.C.; Cecil Mooney, U.S. Navy; Clarence Thomas, U.S. Army; Woodrow Cashion, U.S. Army; Freddie Ward, U.S. Army.
Junior Class Officers mentioned on this page include Charles Alexander-President, Paul Harris-Vice President, Ann Turner-Secretary, Mac McCoy-Treasurer, and Mr. Hampton Schofield – Sponsor.
Photos include surnames: Alexander, Allen, Ambrose, Arthur, Asher, Ault, Baird, Bandy, Barfield, Batten, Benz, Bentley, Berkovitz, Bivin, Blasky, Bouton, Bradley, Bridges, Brinsfield, Brown, Burkhard, Burson, Butts, Bumby, Burkhardt, Carpenter, Carr, Carris, Caswell, Caverly, Chasteen, Clayton, Clements, Clouser, Collins, Corbett, Cotton, Curry, Daniel, Daniels, Davis, Dean, DeLoach, Demoret, Dickerson, Dill, Dippy, Dowd, Duckworth, Durant, Dyson, Emerson, Evans, Exler, Fairchild, Finley, Folsom, Foster, Fowler, Gatling, Gay, Gemeinhardt, Gonder.
Photos include surnames: Greene, Grosse, Haley, Hanor, Harris, Harper, Harris, Hart, Hawkes, Hayden, Heasley, Helms, Hendrix, Hill, Hodge, Holcomb, House, Hughes, Ives, Jackson, Jeuck, Jones, Keene, Keiter, Kennedy, Kirk, Kline, Knight, Kottelman, Kribbs, Langston, Land, Lane, Layton, Lewis, Lewter, Lindsay, Limpus, Lloyd, Maeger, Magee, Mabee, Malone, Martin, Masek, McCoy, McGarity, McGuire, McKay, McKinnon, Mclelland, McLeod, Meadows, Merrell, Milton, Mink, Morton, Mosso, Murchison.
Surnames included on this page include: Murchison, Murray, Ogden, Ornberg, Pace, Pattishall, Peel, Peurifoy, Phillips, Pettman, Potter, Prescott, Proper, Pruett, Purcell, Ramirez, Raudall, Reehl, Reppard, Rich, Ripley, Rogers, Rose, Russell, Salter, Sargent, Saylors, Searles, Shearouse, Shirley, Smith, Somerville, Spaulding, Speer, Staples, Steele, Stephensen, Stout, Stone, Struble, Studdard, Swearingen, Talbot, Taylor, Tegder, Tetenbaum, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson Thrasher, Tice, Truman, Turner, Turpin, Tuthill, Van SteeuBurg, Vincent, Voorhis, Wagoner, Wakeman, Walker, Ward, Weaver, Wheeler, Wharton.
Photos include surnames: West, White, Whitton, Whitehurst, Windham, Winn, Wilson, Wolking, Wood, Woods, Wright, Wycoff, Yerger.
Sophomore class officers featured in a photograph on this page include: President Jimmy Pittman, Vice President Jimmy Boyles, Secretary Mary Brinkman, Treasurer Ann Carter, Sponsor Miss Anna Van Nest. The Sophomores were not individually photographed.
The right half of the Sophomore class photo that spans two pages.
Sophomores Enlarged – Left side
Sophomore class officers featured in a photograph on this page include: President Jimmy Pittman, Vice President Jimmy Boyles, Secretary Mary Brinkman, Treasurer Ann Carter, Sponsor Miss Anna Van Nest. The Sophomores were not individually photographed.
Sophomores Enlarged – Right Side
This is the right half of the photograph of the Sophomore class which spanned two pages in the 1943 Orlando Senior High School yearbook.
The 1943 Orlando Senior High yearbook mentions that the Tigers only won five of their eleven games finishing lowest in the Big Ten. The most consistent players were Pierce Robinson, Bobby Hale and Richard Johnston. Mr. Hovater was coach and Billy Slemons, former University of Alabama halfback, took time from his work to help. The Tigers’ 1942-1943 Football schedule is included on the page along with photos of the team.
Also included on the page is Block “O” officers President Bobby Hale, Vice President Tommy Scott, Secretary Pierce Robertson, and Treasurer Cranston Rogers.
Surnames include in the photos are Stallings, Murchison, Yerber, Harnes, Ogilvie, Scott, Wharton, Rogers, Inzminger, Hendrix, Lewis, Tetenbaum, Cashwell, Stevens, Copps, Taylor, Harper, Proctor, Johnston, McCall, Quenn, Seals, Rauch, Chamberlain, Hayes, Rodenbaugh, Batten, Wright, Alexander, Patrick, Judd, Jung, Underhill, Cooksey, Medlin, Bazemore, Darnold, Slemmons, Hovater, Lewis, Powell, Batts, Hayes, Milton, Hale, Pittman, Schact, Webb.
Boys Baseball, Basketball and Cheerleaders
Boys basketball team members identified in the photo on the top of the page include Bob Hale, Kenneth McCall, Jimmy Yerger, Cranston Rogers, Olin Powell, Pierce Robinson, Jack Dyer, John Rader, Coach Hovater, Sam Lewis, Jack Batts, and Bucky Chamberlain.
The Girls’ Varsity Club, basketball and volleyball teams are featured on this page. “The Girls’ Varsity Club’s primary aim is to promote more interest in sports. . . . To be eligible for membership, each girl must maintain a C average and must have earned twenty-five points in intramural sports.” Miss Helen Evans is the club sponsor. Identified in the photograph of the Varsity Club are students: Peggy Sawyer, Doris Mclelland, Betty Leach, Myra Baird, Marjorie MacMillan, Jackie Carter, Joyce Caldwell, Roberta Hailey, Katherine Ward, Eloise Daniels, Gloria Staples, Ibera Dickerson, Louise Ornberg, Dorethea Cole, Myra Baird, Jean Freeman, Norma Keith, Miss Evans, Kaye Oren, Ruth Struble, Emma Lee Willis, Frances Champliss, and Betty Wood.
The Girls Basketball Team members identified in the photo are Eloise Daniels, Peggy Sawyer, Norma Keith, Jean Freeman, Kaye Oren, Louise Ornburg, and Mariel Riddle.
The Girls Vollyball Team members identified in the photo are Norma Keith, Kaye Oren, Betty Wood, Jean Freeman, Betty Jane Woods, Betty Blake, and Louise Ornberg.
Honor Society and Torch Society
The Omicron Eta Sigma Chapter of the National Honor Society include Orlando Senior High School students Joyce Caldwell, Betty Anne Shiver, Mary Jane Kirst, Bob Doering, Marjorie Potter, Helen Matthews, Marjorie Fowler, Betty Phillips, Wayne Heasley, Babs Hill, Ann Hill, Pat Pattishall, Betty Lee, Robert Rheel, Ben Blackburn, Robin Hill, Margaret Davis, Stuart Farnum, Paul Harding Roderick Dorsey, Roger Schoening, Mary Sargent, Sedgewich Duckworth, Norma Keith, Leone Falls, Sue Barber, Freedel Rauch, Bobby Fulenwider, Jimmy Ogilvie, Bob Hale and Sponsor Mrs. Irene Hill.
The first semester officers were President Betty Anne Shiver, Vice President Bob Doering, Secretary Mary Jane Kirst, and Treasurer Boots Field. The second semester officers were President Bob Doering, Vice President Freedel Rausch, Secretary Mary Jane Kirst, and Treasurer Joyce Caldwell.
The Torch Society was formed to promote better scholarship, to stimulate interest in extra curricular activities, and to develop leadership among its members. It is compose of members who belonged to the Honor Society in Junior High. Identified in the photograph are students Lowell Clements, Mac McCoy, Paul Harris, Sonny Benz, Bill Stonebraker, Bill Dann, Nancy Dendy, Elizabeth Gertner, Elizabeth Kuhn, Elinow Compton, Virginia Blanton, Elaine Prather, Mary Brinkman, Ruth Wimberky, Patsy Bodiford, Jean Ambrose, Henrietta Hendrix, Frances McCall, Margaret Phipps, Joyce Poole, Iris Swearingen, Suzanne Chuisano, Laura Bass, Virginia Scott, Jackie Magee, Boots Nichols, Mirian Knight, Barbara Swearingen, Jacqueline Thomason, Ann Carter, Jean Barnes, Virginia Allen, Juanita Ault, Barbara Coith, Bille Eva Shell, Jean Volkert, Mary Bartlum, Ann Massek, Jean Dudley, and sponsor Mrs. Shaheen.
1st Semester Student Council Officers include President Robin Hill, Vice President Bobby Fulenwider, Secretary Elaine Prather, and Treasurer Marian Yarborough. Surnames of students identified in the photograph on the top of the page include Tinklepauch, Prather, Fulenwider, Hill, Yarborough, Swearingen, Clark, Chuisano, Walker, Hendrix, Phillips, Poole, Bodiford, White, Magee, Kennedy, Asher, Knox, Jernigan, Saunders, Judd, Hagood, and Fox.
2nd Semester Student Council Officers include President Wayne Heasley, Vice President Mary Knox, Secretary Barbara Hill, and Treasurer Winnie Williford. Surnames of students identified in the photograph at the bottom of the page include Barnes, Hill, Knox, Heasley, Williford, Dendy, Arnold, Barfield, Lucas, Brosn, Smith, McClellan, Ewell, Sutton, Barber, Bartlum, Ward, Bass, McNeil, Jung, Corbett, McDonald, Stover, McElroy.
Hi-Y officers mentioned include President Ben Blackburn, Vice President Walter Tucker, Secretary Ed Pruitt, and Treasurer Charles Brown.
Surnames identified in the photograph include Pruitt, Walker, Fulenwider, Burkhardt, Tucker, Borwn, Benz, Hensley, Lewis, Ensor, Dippy, Jones, Stingley, McCoy, Cheeves, Murchison, Alexander, Atkins, Dill, Cubbedge, Jones, Pittman, Vedder, Knight, Clemons, Sherman, Turner, Daniel, Torrance, Rose, Turner.
The sister organization of Hi-Y, Tri-Hi-Y, listed officers as President Sue Barber, Vice President Joan Miller, Secretary Betty Phillips, Treasurer Joan Radcliffe, Chaplain Margaret Davis and Sponsor Mrs. Lorena Hendry.
Surnames identified in the photograph include Barber, Miller, Phillips, Kirst, Potter, Nydegger, Knox, Newell, Radcliffe, Kennedy, Hughes, Hill, Fowler, Allen, Coith, Winn, Purcell, Corbett, Windom, Walker, Padgett, Tinklepaugh, Volkert, Falls, Blakeslee, Edwards, Davis, Wolf, Matthews, Blake, Tice, Clark, Ault, Bumby, Brown, Sepp, White, Thompson, Heasley, Green, Searls, Shaffer, Masck, Shirley, Shearouse.
The officers of the the Seminoles are President Jimmy Torrance, Vice President Barbara Coith, Secretary 1st Semester Mariel Riddle, Secretary 2nd Semester Priscilla Emerson, and Treasurer Kathryn Bartram. A photograph of the entire membership in costumes as well as their names is featured on the top of the page.
A photograph of the Thespian officers: 1st Semester President Joy Turner, 2nd Semester President Jolene Helms, Vice President Mary Jane Kirst, Secretary Claire Armstrong, and Treasurer Parker Enwright graces the page along with the roles they played.
The officers of the Pan American League sponsored by the Orlando Rotary Club include President Connie Lindsay, Vice President Harry Baldwin, Secretary Dana Brooks, Treasurer Joan Nydegger and Faculty Sponsor Miss Ann Stone. A photograph of all members and their names is featured at the top of the page.
The Latin Club officers include President Katherine Bartram, Vice President John Vreeland, Secretary Lenora Dippy, and Treasurer Cleo Lloyd. A photograph of all the club’s members and their names is featured at the bottom of the page.
Forensic, Aviation, Spanish Clubs
The National Forensic League (debate club) officers include: President Stuart Farnum, Vice President Pam McDonald, Secretary Pat Pattishall, Treasurer Sonny Benz, and Sponsor Mrs. Irene Liguthiser. A photo of the league is featured at the top of the page.
The Spanish Club officers are President Bob Reehl, Vice President Ann Moorman, Secretary Virginia Leitner, and Treasurer Alex Hawkes. Other Club members are featured in a photograph and identified on the page.
The Girls’ Aviation Club officers include President Ruth Struble, Vice President Ruth Tice, Secretary Joan Jackson, Treasurer Lydia Davis and reporter Jean Ambrose. A photograph of the ladies in the club is featured and members are identified at the bottom of the page.
Drill Corps Boys Drill Corps Girls Drill Corps
Pages 1 and 2 are left and right pages of a two page spread featuring photographs of the Boys and Girls Drill Corps. According to the 1943 Orlando Senior High School yearbook, this was the second year for the Boys and first year for the girls. The Boys’ Drill Corps was comprised of four companies under Captains Ben Blackburn, Stuart Farnum, Lacy McLaurin and Walter Tucker and Major William Shermer. The activities of the Drill Corps included military inspections and reviews, Red Cross parades, mock skirmishes, and performance at the Army Emergency Relief Rodeo. Army films on military procedure and training was shown to the group.
The Girls’ Drill Corps was under the leadership of Major Norma Keith and Captains Robin Hill, Ruth Struble, Ellen Mae McGee, Sue Barber and June Padgett. The grils drilled each morning on the streets behind the school and learned the fundamentals of military drill and courtesy. They also marked in several parades and members volunteered with the Red Cross, under the supervision of Miss Helen Evans.
The Students’ Military Training Corps officers led by Colonel Bill Shermer drilled approximately 450 boys each day on the track across from the Orlando Senior High School. Identified in the photo are Stuart Farnum, Walter Tucker, Lacy MacLauren, Ben Blackburn, Walter Carpenter, George Kirk, Pat Land, Bill Lord, Joe Finley, Jimmy Boyles, Wayne Heasley, William Terry, Robert Williams, Fred Wolf, Flourney Phillips, Bill Drawdy and Bill Hanor.
The Orlando Girls’ Drill Corps under the leadership of Major Norma Keith, pictured on the same page was composed of the leaders and outstanding students in the high School Girls’ Drill Squad. The girls marched in parades, assisted in Red Corss work and helped instruct the Drill Squad.
Officers are Major Norma Keith, Secretary Georgene Pihos, Treasurer June Padgett, Chaplian Ruth Struble, and Timekeeper Betty Lee. Surnames identified in the photo include Keith, Hill, Keiter, Smith, Ramire, Pattishall, McGee, Pihos, Shiver, Padgett, Richey, Sharp, Purcell, Dippey, Peurifoy, Tice, Butler, Bartram, Wellons, Green, Bouton, Slaughter, Beatty, Curry, Haley, Lee, Jones, Dyson, Mink, White, Cleck, Searles, Radcliffe, Blanton, Clark, Martin, Wood, Meager, McCall, Hodgeskin, Austin, Crooks, Diernort, Hendrix, Shorette, Wolf, Grosse, Murphy, Emerson, Sutton, Walker, Poole, Garett, Asher, McElroy, Lindsay, Chappell, Hughes, Tinklepaugh, Horst, Lewis, Lucas, Meridith.
Surnames identified in the photograph of the Orlando High School Chorus include: Mink, Dendy, Bumby, Fowler, Clouser, de Butts, Emerson, Hoffner, White, Burson, Cogswell, Wood, Murray, Ryder, Hecklee, Ambrose, White, Green, Dickerson, Jackson, Gonder, Sepp.
Officers of the Apollo Club include President Burton Datson, Vice President Nancy Barber, Secretary Frances De Butts, and Treasurer Janice Hoffner. Membership in the Apollo Club is limited to sixteen students who both sing and play a musical instrument. Members include: Miss Cawthon, Marjorie Fowler, Pat White, Frances Burson, Nan McDuff, Janice Hoffner, Jimmie Torance, Frances de Butts, Pat Mink, Betty Wood, Nancy Barber, and Prissy Emerson.
Surnames identified in the Girls’ Glee Club photograph include Bennet, Datson, Bodiford, Henderson, Davidson, Gertner, Driggers, Saumenig, Davis, Meredith, Brown, Cox, Dudley, Williamson, Pierce, Martin, McCalle, Bandi, Chrisano, Glidwell, Clements, Knight, Robertson, Maund, McCormick, Bell, Frederick, Cummins, Hillman, Casper, Phillips, Jeter, Nicholson, Avery, Northrup, and Porter.
The 1943 Orlando High School yearbook states that “Due to the war no State or National contests were held. . . [but] Mr. Henry Fillmore, noted musician, composer, and publisher of band music, judged a concert presented by the O.H.S. Band in the spring.” Harry L. Parker was the Director and Jim Odom was the Captain. Band officers identified in a photo include : Marjory Potter, Harry L. Parker, Jim Pihos, Pat Hill, Harry Voorhis, Evelyn Martin, Richard Exeer, Lowell Clements, Bill Dann, Dorothy Symonds, Charles Hendricks, Bernice Wycoff, Winifred Jones, Frankie Holland, Donald Parks, Elrich Martin, J. B. Walker and Buddy Proctor.
Also included on the page is a photograph of the entire band with members listed by instrument played.
Art, Scribblers, Journalism Clubs
The officers of the Art Club are: President June Taylor, Vice President Ellen McGee, Secretary Lois Dyson Treasurer Joyce Walker, Sponsor Miss Mildred Camburn. Identified in the photograph are Dorisnell Jordan, Joyce Walker, June Taylor, Letha Turner, Elizabeth Tucker, Dorothy Click, Ellen McGee, Ceilia Miller, Lois Dyson, Arleen Conoly and Miss Camburn.
The officers of the Scribblers’ Club are: President Parker Enwright, Vice President Alex Hawkes, Secretary/Treasurer Roderick Dorsey, and Sponsor Mrs. Irene Miller. Identified in the photograph are Sidney Ives, Joyce Walker, Ona Mae Barfield, Josephine Bledsoe, Fred Turner, Johnny Knight, Ann Turner, Mary Sargent, Mrs. Miller, Marilyn Herlihy, Joyce Peurifoy, Helen Matthews, Jolene Helms, Roderick Dorsey.
Identified in the photo of the Journalism Class are Billie Eva Shell, Mariel Riddle, Betty Anne Shiver, Ann Turner, Joyce Peurifoy, Margaret DuVall, Sarah Ellen Thompson, Miss Draper, Libby Prescott, Carolyn Williams, Ellen Upham, Mary Virginia Key, Jimmie Torrence, Jean Gagen, Johnny Knight, Joe Ripley, Elizabeth Saine, Virginia Donnell, Dorothy.
The notation on this page indicates that the 1943 Tigando was almost the yearbook that wasn’t. Due to World War II, “paper was scarce, material was hard to obtain, metal was needed for war production, photographic material was hard to obatin, and living costs had gone up. These were o nly a few of the objections which faced a small group of faithful Tigando supporters. However, as the end of t he first semester came around, these faculty members and students finally convinced the student body that an Annual would be possible, and they set out to produce a condensed version of the fromer O.H.S. publications”
The 1943 Tigando staff are featured on this page. The Executive Staff are Mariel Riddle, Editor in Chief; Betty Anne Shiver, Assistant Editor; Robin Hill, Business Manager; Marian Walker, Circulation Manager, and Mr. Bernard Myers, Sponsor.
The Activities Staff identified in the photograph include Billie Eva Shell, Elaine Prather, Betty Phillips, Roderick Dorsey, June Padgett, Virginia Edwards, and Frances de Butts.
The Business Staff identified in the photograph include Joyce Peurifoy, Virginia Blanton, Petty Sutton, Loween Slaughter, Alberta Chamberlin, Mary Brinkman, Joan Nydegger, Bobby Daniel, Bobby Fulenwider, Jimmy Ogilvie, and Walter Carpenter.
First page of advertisements in the yearbook. Includes advertisements from Orlando Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Duval Jewelry Company, Green Tree Grill, Bishop Office Equipment Company, Darling Shop, Davis Office Supply Company, Diana Shops, Jo Ann’s Ice Cream Store, McNutt-Heasley, Realtors.
Advertisements for Newell Electric Company and Wilson’s Shoe Shore. Printed b y the Florida Press, Orlando, Florida.
A photo of Walter Menges store at 206 North Orange Avenue is featured on this page along with advertisements for Johnson’s Furnishings for Men, Leonard’s Men’s Shop, O’Neal Branch Company, Paul Heasley, DDS, Johnson Electric Company, Lawton’s Jewelry Store, Orlando Seed Company, and Mangel’s Feminine Apparel.
A photo of a group of students is featured on this page in an advertisement for Rutland’s clothing store. There are also advertisements for the Bowling Center of Orlando and the Florida State Theatres of Orange County including the Beacham, Vogue, Rialto, Roxy and the Grand theatres in Orlando.
Autographs on the next to the last page in the yearbook from Jackie, Gene Clayton and Edith Smith to Ann.
Autographs on the last page in the yearbook from Jackie, Clayton and Edith Smith.
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