The University Club of Orlando
Featured photo, above, dated January 16, 1941. Caption: This picture shows every president of the University Club of Orlando since it was organized in 1925. The picture was taken in the club rooms at the Angebilt Hotel recently. Reading from left to right, first row: Dr. Horace A. Day, Dr. Meredith Mallory, John Branham, Colonel George C. Johnston, Harold Shepherd, Walter C. Lee. Loomis C. Leedy. Second row: Robert S. Carr, J. C. Murchison, Howard C. Wheeler, A. M. Robinson, Dr. Louis M. Orr (president for 1941), Harry Taylor, William N. Ellis and John G. Baker.
The beloved staff of The University Club of Orlando. Pictured from left to right are: Tommy Singleton, the dining room manager, Gina Jones, hostess, and Jorge Porzella, masseur. University Club member Mr. William L. Eagan recalls the high level of character and service of the University Club employees in this excerpt from an oral history interview on February 26, 2016.
Oral History Interviews
The University Club Past Presidents’ Round Table, March 15, 2016 CLICK HERE
William Leon Eagan CLICK HERE
Phillip Easterling Oral History Interview
Part I (15:26) CLICK HERE
Part II (14:55) CLICK HERE
Bud Kirk Oral History Interview at The University Club of Orlando, May 19, 2016
Part I (20:57) CLICK HERE Part II (19:43) CLICK HERE
Part III (11:19) CLICK HERE
Part IV (13:08) CLICK HERE
Francis “Frank” Pierce Oral History Interview at the University Club Orlando, May 26, 2016
Part I (21:20) CLICK HERE
Part II (13:31) CLICK HERE
Thomas Brogden Tart CLICK HERE
Claude H. Wolfe, Jr. CLICK HERE
Demolition of the University Club of Orlando
Demolition of The University Club of Orlando at the corner of Central and Rosalind to make way for a new high rise. Photo taken from the Orlando Public Library. Explore images and documents attached below and listen to oral history interviews by clicking on the links below.
Documents include “The College Yell”, “University Club News”, club yearbooks, and The University Club 10th Anniversary Yearbook – 1926-1936 which includes the club history, numerous photographs of members, club interiors and exteriors from 1926-1936.
Back to topOral history interview with Mr. Bud Kirk at The University Club of Orlando, May 19, 2016.
Mr. Bud Kirk, University Club Oral History Interview, Part II
Oral history interview with Mr. Bud Kirk at The University Club of Orlando, May 19, 2016.
Mr. Bud Kirk, University Club Oral History Interview, Part III
Oral history interview with Mr. Bud Kirk at The University Club of Orlando, May 19, 2016.
Mr. Bud Kirk, University Club Oral History Interview, Part I
Oral history interview with Mr. Bud Kirk at The University Club of Orlando, May 19, 2016.
Mr. Frank Pierce, University Club of Orlando Oral History Interview, Part I
Oral history interview with Mr. Frank Pierce at The University Club of Orlando, May 26, 2016.
Mr. Frank Pierce, University Club of Orlando Oral History Interview, Part II
Oral history interview with Mr. Frank Pierce at The University Club of Orlando, May 26, 2016.
Mr. Phillips Easterling, University Club of Orlando Oral History Interview, Part I
Oral history interview with Mr. Phillips Easterling at The University Club of Orlando, June 16, 2016.
Mr. Phillips Easterling, University Club of Orlando Oral History Interview, Part II
Oral history interview with Mr. Phillips Easterling at The University Club of Orlando, June 16, 2016.
Meeting of Friday Oct. 6th 1922. First meeting of Greek Letter Fraternity men held in the rooms of City Hall at Orlando Friday night October 6th at 8:00 P.M. W. B. Crawford acted as temporary Chairman, conducted an election of officers which resulted in Allison Palmer being chosen President and Jack Branham Secretary. Mr. Palmer assumed his duties, made short address, appointed W. B. Crawford and R. H. Cobb a committee to draft a constitution and By-laws for the club- a luncheon was proposed for the near future at which time the club would be regularly organized- a constitution adopted and business started. After a few short talks by members present the meeting adjourned. Approved. 10-12-22. J. L. Branham Sec.
The first meeting of the Greek Letter Fraternity Society in Orlando, Florida recorded as entry one in the journal by Jack Branham, Secretary.
The Greek Letter Fraternity Society in Orlando became The University Club of Orlando.
Read the 1922 - 1925 journal of recorded meetings handwritten by John T. Branham, the first secretary of the Greek Letter Fraternity Society.
In 1927 Mr. Branham was elected President of The University Club of Orlando and in December 1967 he was given an honorary charter membership to the prestigious Orlando institution.
Gentlemen-A Toast! To GOOD FELLOWSHIP, the condiment that gives flavor to the food of everyday living and transforms it from the bread and meat which man must eat to live, into the banquet that is the delight and satisfaction of the gourmet. GENTLEMEN, TO TEN YEARS OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP 1926-1936, UNIVERSITY CLUB OF ORLANDO. Quoted from the tenth anniversary book of The University Club of Orlando. VIEW book.
Contents include: Significant Dates in the History of the University Club, History of the University Club, Club Directory
We, the undersigned incorporators, do hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation not for profit, under the laws of the State of Florida, and do hereby adopt the following ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION as the charter for such association.
Read the Proposed Charter of The University Club ordered in Chambers at Orlando in the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit on December 31st, 1931, by Frank A. Smith, Judge of the Circuit Court.
Since its founding in 1926, The University Club has donated over $1.5 million in scholarship funds to colleges and universities in Central Florida.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for January, February, March, May, June, August, September, October, November, December, 1968.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for January, February, March, April, May, June, 1969.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for July, August, September, October, November, December, 1969.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for January, February, March, April, May, June, 1970.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for July, September, October, November, December, 1970.
(There was no newsletter in August due to the vacation period. See note on the September issue.)
Events during the year 1970- '71 have given a clear picture of the enormous growth and development taking place in our area. This is just the beginning.
With full consideration of the changing conditions which will affect our club, your Board of Directors, with the assistance of its several committees, has been working for total improvement of our club.
Plans our under way for the first phase of our club expansion which will add new dining areas, as well as space for additional athletic facilities. Renovating of the reading room and cocktail lounge will begin during August.
Our membership has substantially increased since the old ceiling of 650 members was lifted.
The innovation of the Friday night dinner dances has been well received....
Additional improvements and additions, as well as increased costs, will necessitate increasing our membership, as well as revising our financial situation.
The prestige and success of our club, as well as the enjoyment and fellowship which it gives, is due to the character of our members. Ours is an excellent club, owned by the members, and operated by a dedicated staff. Let's keep it that way.
From The President's Message by Charles J. Collins, Jr., President, 1970, page 6 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1970-1971.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for January, February, March, April, May, June, 1971.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for July, September, October, November, December, 1971.
(There was no newsletter in August due to the vacation period. See note on the September issue.)
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for January, February, March, May, June, 1972.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for July, September, October, November, December, 1972 and January, February, March, April, May, June, 1973.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for September, October, November, December, 1973.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for January, February, March, April, May-June, 1974.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for July-August, September-October, November-December, 1974.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for February, March, November, December, 1975.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for January, April, June, July, September, October, November, December, 1980.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for March, September, 1981 and April, September, 1982.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for March, August, November, 1983.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for January, April, August, 1984.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for February, June, September, November, 1985.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for January, April, September, 1986.
The University Club of Orlando newsletters for April, October, 1987, September 1989, and Fall 1991.
This is the year the new Clubhouse was built.
A club to match the men who are building the fastest growing City in America - a club to satisfy the wants and wishes of the present as well as the future members - this has been the goal of our officers, directors, and special committees this year.
It has been my privilege during 1960 to serve with an outstanding and talented group of working directors. A long and sometimes arduous meeting almost every week has been necessary, and each of these gentlemen has not only given his time, imagination, and energy as a director but has, in addition, freely contributed valuable service as an accountant, banker, lawyer, or a business man in financing and building the new Clubhouse. Several have also acted in the important capacity of liaison officer between the Board and the Special committees.
Some of the Club's most gifted and competent men made up the Building Committee, tile Finance Committee, and the Interior Decorating and Furnishing Committee. They met often and worked hard.
The cooperation, enthusiasm, and effectiveness of the officers, directors, committee chairmen, and committee members have been most gratifying. To each of them I extend my personal thanks and appreciation, and, as Club President. the congratulations of the Club membership.
Now that we have a new Clubhouse, much of its success will depend upon the Club's leadership and activities during 1961. I hope the Club membership will give to the next president the same understanding, backing, and complete cooperation which you have so generously given to me this year.
The President's Message by Robert T. Anderson, President, 1960, page 9 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1960.
Fellow Club Members:
We are the beneficiaries of the good works of several past administrations of this Club. Much thought and effort on their part, combined with our resources, have created for us this facility of which we are all so proud. Our sincere thanks to all who participated in this accomplishment.
We must now do more than maintain the status quo. Within the framework of the concepts of the purposes of our Club, we should work toward the full realization of our potential to provide a varied and interesting program of activities and provide the finest service and entertainment for the Members and their guests.
We must also add to the stature of the University Club in our community. We have such an opportunity by extending our scholarship program through the newly created University Club of Orlando Foundation. This Foundation was formed during the latter part of 1961, and application for income tax exemption and approval as a charitable foundation has been made. The purpose of the Foundation will be to receive contributions of money or property to be used for scholarships or other similar worthwhile purposes.
I sincerely ask your help in accomplishing these goals and will do all that I can to serve your interests and the interests of the Club. I hope you join with me in the enthusiasm I have for our Club, and that you will feel free to communicate with your Board of Directors concerning any matter affecting the Club.
The President's Message by Jerrold S. Trumbower, President, 1962, page 10 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1962.
By the end of 1963 the Club should reach its full growth -650 resident members. Thus the expansion program envisioned five years ago will be completed.
In the last three years our new club building has served us well, and added greatly to the fuller participation and enjoyment of the members. The following functions and facilities are now offered: Dining room and bar - weekday luncheons and Tuesday evening dinners (special dinner with guests every 4 to 6 weeks); Game rooms - cards) pool, billiards, and snooker; Athletic facilities - handball, squash, exercise equipment, steam room and masseur; Dinner dances-four a year, one each season (popular occasions well attended by the membership); Private parties (as approved by the Board, not unduly interfering with members' use); Reciprocal Arrangement-with out-of-town Clubs; and Special events.
Any suggestions you have which would encourage membership participation or improve the over-all Club program will be helpful to your Board.
To further one of the Club's founding objectives, namely, aid to higher education, the Board is studying a plan to substantially increase the funds available for this [purpose. This should permit broadening as well as increasing our program of assistance in this field.
In the final analysis, the continued vitality of your Club is primarily in the hands of every member. The extent to which each member uses the Club facilities is most important, Second is the responsibility of each member to propose for membership outstanding men of the community.
We should soon have a waiting list. The stability and continued prestige of the University Club depends largely on active participating membership and a backlog of qualified future members.
It has been an honor to serve as President of the University Club, and a pleasure to work with the capable members of the Board. They have given much time and their best judgment in guiding the management of the Club.
The President's Message by Nelson R. Boice, JR., President, 1963, page 10 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1963.
It was my privilege on becoming President of the Club to take on a healthy going concern with few really important problems. It was sound financially, had a good membership and a varied program. The job of the incoming officers and board was merely to keep things going and, where possible, improve them. Membership has hovered around the 625 mark, some 25 below the ceiling of 650 which we have set as the optimum number - physically and financially. Many fine new members have joined the club, but the unfortunate attrition caused by transfers from town, deaths and unavoidable resignations has kept the total at this approximate level. Thus, there are 25 vacancies in the Club which should be filled with our business associates, relatives and friends for our enjoyment and theirs.
Continuing the work of the past administration, and under the very capable leadership of House Chairman Ivan Morgan and Architect Dick Rogers, we finally waterproofed the building and eliminated the major problem confronting us, paying for such work without an assessment. Plans are under way for a barber shop using part of the space now used by the "Quiet" room. It will be complete with manicurist and shoe shine service. It should be ready within the next month or so.
The Club is temporarily without the services of a masseur due to the unfortunate illness of Tom Pittman, who had held this position. We hope to have a replacement soon and to provide a wide range of services, including rubdowns as well as full massages. Perhaps he also should be a trainer so he could help our handball injured (including
your President).
The Entertainment Committee, under LeRoy Dickson, has done a fine job. Special guest nights, with programs where possible, have been emphasized and have met with considerable success. The quarterly dinner dances have been thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Under Bob Trumbo's Sports Committee, the usual tournaments in pool, snooker, handball and table tennis have been held or are pending. A gin rummy tournament has been put on for the first time in many years under the enthusiastic leadership of Mel Wolf, and a doubles tournament is in the mill.
Due to the fine efforts of Jimmy Rush and our Literary, Educational and Scholarship Committee, and an assist from the winners of the gin rummy tournament (who donated $160.00 in prizes to the committee), we were able to contribute $460.00 to Orlando Junior College this year. Next year we plan to have a voluntary scholarship program which we hope will raise much more money for this type worthy purpose.
Thanks to Hewen Lasseter, we were able to revive our publication of the University Club News after a lapse of many years. It has met with a very favorable response and we are deeply indebted to Hewen and his Committee....
From The President's Message by David W. Hedrick, President, 1964, page 10 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1964.
It is being said these days that Orlando is the Action Center of Florida! - a center of influence. ... I think one could easily draw a parallel thought or comparison of this statement to our University Club of Orlando. Our Club can be proud of the place it occupies in the Orlando Area Business Community - proud of its prestige and influence. Many visitors tell us they feel this is one of the finest facilities of this type in the entire Southeast. With the continued growth of the community we can only expect to move in one direction - Forwardl
President, 1966
The President's Message by LeRoy G. Dickson, President, 1966, page 12 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1965 and 1966.
As we embark on our forty-first year, we can all be
justly proud of our Club founded in 1926 by a small cadre of dedicated University men and leading citizens of this community. The University Club has paralleled the tremendous growth of Orlando. Our Club remains filled at six hundred fifty members, with a waiting list of qualified applicants. The caliber of our membership has been maintained on the criteria formulated by our founding fathers
and predecessors. The University Club is a direct reflection of the fibre of real Orlando.
The University Club in the year 1967 maintains an
enviable fiscally sound financial position. Our Club's interests are becoming more varied and the Club's services more broad.
The University Club will continue to grow with Orlando. Your Club is to be used, enjoyed and to be proud of!
The President's Message by Robert S. Trumbo, President, 1967, page 7 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1967.
We believe the year 1968 can be referred to as the start of The University Club's expansion program.
Our purchase of the Church Property which adjoins the Club's parking lot was finally nailed down.
Realizing that as Orlando grows so must our Club grow a permanent "Club Planning Committee" was appointed. This Committee is already working and planning how best to use the property we purchased and which we will take possession of in late 1969 or early 1970.
Since the additional facilities will permit a larger membership, the Board of Directors removed the 650 membership ceiling.
Our program for 1969-1970 should be to secure at least seventy-five new members from our community who will not only benefit from and enjoy their membership in The University Club, but will be a credit to our Club.
We have a fine Club and an excellent staff. Let's all do our best to keep it that way.
President, 1968
President, 1969
The President's Message by Joseph M. Croson, President, 1968, and Harry W. Bower, President, 1969, page 6& of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1968 and 1969.
The years 1972 and 1973 for your University Club were most active. The first major expansion to the Clubhouse since its construction some 13 years ago was completed. A dining room, capable of being divided into two single private dining rooms, was designated as the "President's Room" in a dinner dedication attended by the Club's Past Presidents, Charter Members and Honorary Members. This additional facility will enable us to encourage small private parties sponsored by members of your club. We are staffed and equipped for greater use of our facilities. The upstairs addition includes a maple singles squash court and a well lighted and modern equipped exercise room. Certain remodeling was done in the Club with the addition of ventilated lockers, new shower facilities and a large whirlpool. Certain major items of equipment replacement were also accomplished as well as other refurbishing to the Clubhouse. All of these items amounted to approximately $160,000, which was the amount of the recent $250 stock increase. Minor price adjustments have been necessary because of advancing costs in all areas. The present membership ceiling is 700. We have nearly reached this goal with only a few openings. This is an excellent opportunity for a member to submit a friend or business acquaintance for membership.
Participation in the Clubhouse facilities is slightly up and because of this and price adjustments, your Club operated in the black for the first time in several years.
Your Board is hopeful of making this a regular occurrence. Your "Men's Club" has been open for monthly Friday night dances which have been extremely well attended and will be continued.
We have an outstanding Club with a loyal and dedicated staff. By your participation and attendance at the various functions, your Club will remain the the most prestigious Club in Orlando.
President 1972
President 1973
The President's Message by Lawrence R. Condict, President, 1972, and William E. Davis, President, 1973, on page 6 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1972-1973.
The year 1974 was a year of consolidation, both in physical and financial assets. We did complete refurbishing the dining room and kitchen facilities. We were able to purchase additional china to augment our present pattern which had not been replaced since moving into our new club building.
An opportunity presented itself for the club to
purchase the parking lot West of the Club. Although not cheap, we felt that it would be in the best Interest of the Club to own this property. We were able to obtain favorable long term financing. A majority of the Club debt will be retired by 1984.
Club membership expanded to a record and a program of attracting quality membership was adopted.
New accounting procedures were adopted along
with the depreciation schedules for the first time. Because of these new procedures and the recommendations of the Treasurer, D. Keith Cobb, your Club at year-end was in a strong financial condition. The by-laws were changed substantially to recognize our growth. Provisions for additional representation on the Board of Directors was adopted, access to the Nominating Committee was provided.
A study for individual retirement plans for employees was completed and budgeted with prospects for adoption in 1975. We were able to hold the line on dues.
All in all, 1974 was a highly successful year for your University Club.
President 1974
The President's Message by Charles McKim Barley, President, 1974, on page 2 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1974-1975.
"... What's past is prologue; what's to come is yours and my discharge." *
Obviously the poet was not thinking of the University Club of Orlando when he penned those words but more fitting words could not be chosen. As we begin the second half-century we build on the honor, history and tradition of those who established this Club and through the years saw it through some incredibly difficult times. The past fifty years have given those of us who are fortunate to be members today a truly superior Club. What we do with it in the future is up to us. We can reflect on the past or continue to build to an even brighter future. In my opinion, the Club continues to fulfill its social and moral obligations, but each member, from the newest to the oldest, has a personal responsibility to work for a better Club.
During my term of office, I solicit suggestions for Club improvement. I assure you that each suggestion will be carefully considered by the Board of Directors and whenever considered feasible, will be put into affect. It is an honor and pleasure to serve with your dedicated Board and staff as your president.
Sincerely yours,
President 1977
The President's Message by Willard E. Botts, President, 1977, on page 7 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1976-1977.
A primary objective in 1978 was increased involvement of our members in University Club activities, and a wider utilization of our fine facilities by all of our members. The Social Committee responded to this challenge, and through its dedicated efforts, greatly increased, both in quality and quantity, our Tuesday night special events. Because of these events, particularly the introduction of father-son nights and specialty menu nights, many of our members became far better acquainted with one another, and were able to expand their own horizons.
A second objective for 1978 was to strengthen our basic financial framework. This has been accomplished through a re-structuring of our dues, a sharper look at our food and maintenance costs, and by establishing definite procedures for employee salary reviews. I feel that with a continuation of this basic structure and procedures, our Club will always have a firm hand on its financial future.
It has been a distinct pleasure and one of the most rewarding experiences of my life to have served as your President during 1978. We took several big steps in a positive direction; these steps could not have been taken without the assistance and cooperation of our fine staff and management, but most of all, it could not have been taken without the assistance and cooperation of you, our members.
Cordially yours,
Carter A. Bradford
President 1978
The President's Message by Carter A. Bradford, President 1978, on page 2 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1978-1979.
The past two years have been busy and exciting years for The University Club. A complete remodeling and refurbishing was undertaken along with the addition of a new handball court. The result of this renovation has created one of the most beautiful club facilities in Central Florida. We can all be proud of the new facilities. We have made an attempt to respond positively to new
ideas and programs to increase the Club usage. Several new ideas, programs and food items were tried. Some were: successful and some were not. Overall, the programs were well received as the Club usage has improved during the past
It has been a distinct pleasure and most rewarding experience to serve as your President. We took several positive and innovative steps of which could not have been taken without our fine staff and management. A special word of thanks to each of them.
A. William Forness, Jr.
President 1981
William B. Mesmer
President 1980
The President's Message by A. William Forness, Jr., President 1981, on page 6 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1980-1981.
The past year was a very successful year for your club. Membership was at an all time high and we had a waiting list for most of the year. More important than the number of members, was the increased usage of the Club facilities by all members, both new and old. Your Club has outstanding facilities for use by its members. During 1984, these facilities were expanded and improved for your convenience. The Board of Directors and Club management continually review
needs for additions and improvements and solicit your comments and suggestions.
It has been a distinct pleasure to have served as your President in 1984. I wish to express my appreciation for the invaluable assistance and cooperation of our fine staff and management, and to those who served with me on the Board of Directors.
Respectfully yours,
Joe R. Coats
President, 1984
The President's Message by Joe R. Coats, President 1984, on page 6 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1984-1985.
The University Club of Orlando 1984-1985 Year Book, Part II includes the list of the University Club members.
The University Club of Orlando 1984-1985 Year Book, Part II includes the list of the University Club members.
Don Moore had a great term as President. His crowning achievement was the hiring of our new manager, Pete McNair. His term ended with a tragic fire on December 14, 1987, just weeks after the Club had completed a major renovation. My personal thanks to Don for leaving the Club in the hands of a great new manager and well insured. Now the Club is completely restored and more beautiful than ever.
Our membership is at our cap of 700 stockholders with a significant waiting list. The various committees are diligently working on what will prove to be a successful calendar of events for the up-coming year. Wealso anticipate the donation of approximately $40,000 from our Educational Fund to the local colleges and
universities. Your support and contributions to the Education Fund have been outstanding, and believe me, well received by the students at the schools. Despite the fire and a closing for approximately two months, we have been able to maintain our dedicated and efficient staff. Without their efforts, our Club would not be enjoyed to the degree it is. As your president, I pledge to maintain the high standards we
have come to expect from the University Club and to strive to pass on a better organization to my successor.
Robert J. Pleus, Jr.
The President's Message by Robert J. Pleus, Jr., President 1988, on page 6 of The University Club of Orlando Year Book, 1988.
The University Club of Orlando 1988 Year Book, Part II includes the list of the University Club members.
The University Club of Orlando 1988 Year Book, Part II includes the list of the University Club members.
LADIES NIGHT The Society Editor would say -- One of the most delightful Bridge parties of the season was given at the University Club Tuesday, May 17th. Dr. and Mrs. Meredith Mallory were awarded the handsome leather case of playing cards as first prize. Refreshments consisted of a delicious punch, ice cream and cake. An enjoyable evening was had by all.
From the front page of The College Yell, published by The University Club of Orlando, May 30th, 1928, Vol. 1, No. 11.
Ladies Night at the Club will be celebrated Thursday, March 15th, 8:30 P. M. Bridge will be the main attraction with prizes offered for the Ladies. Reserve this evening and bring the ladies. Reservations are not necessary but desirable.
Some criticism has been offered regarding the assessments for Ladies Night and justly so. In the future, no assessment will be over fifty cents per attending member, and possibly nothing at all, as a way to bear the greater part of the expense of these entertainments without disturbing the Club Treasury or the individual members has been provided...
From The College Yell, March 1928, published by The University Club of Orlando.
A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the University Club, held Monday, Jan. 14th, elected Dr. Mallory for President of the University Club for the year 1930. The By-Laws of the University Club states in similar wording that the President shall be elected at the first meeting of the Directors in the year preceding his induction into office. We are to be congratulated in having Dr. Mallory as our next President.
From the front page of The College Yell, published by The University Club of Orlando, January 15, 1929, Vol. II, No. 1.
The Emory University Alumni of Orlando held their annual Charter Day Dinner at the University Club on Friday evening, January 25, 1929. There were eighteen men present, including several from Kissimmee, Apopka, Altamonte Springs and Winter Park....
From the front page of The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, March 15, 1929.
ANNUAL MEETING AND FROLIC - The time: January 7, 1930, at 8:15 P. M. The place: The Club House. The gathering: YOU- and all the other members. The business: Annual selection of officers; and such other matters as may come before the Club. AND THEN-a general good time, mingling among a group of fine fellows: throwing off business cares, hearty handshakes, cordial smiles, etc., etc., or, as H. C. Witwer says: "and etcetera."
We have been assured that there will be plenty of "and etcetera." Our mouth (editors are permitted to say "our") waters as we think of all the good food that is going to be available for nibbling. R. B. Brossier, as Lord High Mogul, Knight of the Supporter, and Master of Ceremonies, has promised us a program of entertainment that will leave nothing (or something) to be desired. One of the special features of the evening will be the first public appearance of our noted impressario, Dr. William Ewing Sinclair...
From the front page of The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, December 15, 1929.
ROLLINS BIRTHDAY - The forty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Rollins College was duly observed by the Founder's Week which was celebrated recently. While this annual function is always an interesting feature, it was particularly so this year....
From the front page of The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, March 15, 1930.
The Yale Club of Central Florida enjoyed two fine afternoons at the house, in conjunction with Princeton and Harvard alumni, on Nov. 15 and 22, respectively. Dr. G. H. Edwards, of our Club, was unanimously reelected President of the Yale Club....
From the The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, December 15, 1930, page 4.
One of the most pleasant functions of the Xmas and New Year season took place at the Club house on New Year afternoon.
It was the occasion of the Board of Directors holding open house for the members and the ladies.
Being one of the most delightful occasions that has taken place in our Club life, it afforded keen pleasure to the many members and the ladies who were present.
Enticing refreshments were served; and a fine spirit of friendliness and fellowship prevailed- to a point where it seems most desirable to continue such a function as a regular yearly observance of the Club....
From the front page of The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, January 15, 1931.
New Year Day Open House Board of Directors to be Hosts - During the latter part of 1930 several of the members of the Club Directorate, thinking to instill renewed interest in Club affairs, decided to entertain the members and their friends informally on New Year Day. Accordingly, plans were made. The response to the announcement and invitations was amazingly encouraging. Literally, throngs availed themselves of the occasion.
It was one of the most delightful functions of the season. All present seemed to have a thoroughly enjoyable time- in fact so universally was approval expressed that it was determined to institute the New Year Open House as an annual function.
For that reason, the invitation to the members, their families and guests is transmitted in this publication.
It is certain to be a delightful occasion; and we urge all to avail themselves of the opportunity to enjoy the genial association that the function affords.
From the front page of The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, December 17, 1931.
The December 17, 1931 issue of The College Yell is a Fifth Anniversary Edition, 1926-1931, with a History of the Club, Club Activities, and a Club Directory.
The second annual University Club Ball is now history. And what a history it is!
After the first ball, there was a widespread comment that such a function had been definitely established as the outstanding social occasion of the year. Yet, the enthusiasm with which our first ball was greeted was mild in comparison with manner in which the second annual ball was received.
It was held at the Orlando Country Club on the evening of Feb. 17. We were fortunate in being able to obtain the services of "Hod" Williams and his orchestra- eleven musicians par excellence. This group had previously played extended engagements at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, in Chicago....
From the front page of The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, March 16, 1932.
The University Club scholarship to the University of Florida, for the year 1932-33 has been awarded to Jack Kline, of 508 Anderson St., Orlando.
Kline was one of eleven young men who applied for this scholarship; the others including Edward M. and Leonard F. Blankner, William C. Davis, Dave H. Hendrick, Jr., Frank Stancell Little, Charles T. O'Rork, Jr., Albert Shepp, Carroll Tod, William R. Tubbs and William L. Willcox.
From the front page of The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, August 23, 1932.
Here's the news that many have been awaiting with interest. The third annual University Club ball will be held at the Orlando Country Club on the evening of March 24- beginning at 10 o'clock.
After weeks of effort to engage a satisfactory orchestra, the committee has finally determined on Walter Witko and his Olympians - a musical organization that has just completed a long run at the Frolics Club in Miami....
From the front page of The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, March 18, 1933.
OUR SCHOLARSHIPS - Club members will be pleased to learn of the fact that two young men are to be given an opportunity in life through the club's educational fund by providing them with assistance at the University of Florida. Jack Kline is returning to Gainesville to resume his studies along business administration lines preparatory to the study of law. Jack was the choice of the club last year and is now being returned for his second year.
The other young man who has been chosen is Norman Browne. He likewise is preparing for law and will take the business administration course. Both of these boys are graduates of Orlando High School, and have been president of their class. They are really outstanding boys and are well deserving of the club's assistance.
From the front page of The College Yell, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, September, 1933.
The following account of early days in the life of the Orlando University Club will be of interest to new members:
If my memory serves me correctly, it was in the fall of 1922 that an effort was started to organize a local Fraternity Club. Prior to this time several clubs of Alumni of Greek letter college fraternities had organized individual clubs.
My interest in keeping my college fraternity spirit alive had received acceleration during the World War by a gathering of my clan overseas. Accordingly I had been active in our Alumni Club and worked quite diligently in forming the Pan Hellenic Fraternity Club.
From 1922 to 1926 the Fraternity Club flourished, the members maintaining a keen interest, attending luncheons once each month and staging an annual ball about Christmas time each year.The spring of 1927 marked a decline in the Fraternity Club so that by that summer it was practically dead. In the fall a movement was started to organize the University Club. This group originated among Fraternity Club men who were capable of assuring the success of such movement.
By hard work, some real enthusiasm was aroused so that at a dinner held at the Orlando Country Club attended by some one hundred and twenty-five men, the organization was formed with Col. Geo. Johnson as the first president....
From the front page of University Club News, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, March, 1934.
Report of the Scholarship Committee to the Board of Directors July 31, 1934 - Your committee received fourteen applications in answer to the notices published including some of the most promising and the most prominent of the recent high school graduates. These were carefully reviewed first with Mr. Boone, principal of the Senior High School and then by the committee as a whole. Of this number ten were invited to an adjourned meeting of the committee with a view of studying the applicants personally and their own particular problems. Upon the results of these investigations we recommend...
From the front page of University Club News, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, August, 1934.
One of the great charms of the University Club is its formality. Members are happy in the thought that here is a resting place, a meeting place, a spot to find others who wish to take part in various games.
But several members have recently commented on how pleasant the evenings are that bring out a large gathering for a "regular meeting." Men who visit the club rarely somehow manage to get away for these nights. The meetings themselves are short enough, entertaining enough and business-like enough.
After that comes a general get-together that is most enjoyable.
We suggest more of these events whether they are called for brief business purposes or are managed by the entertainment committee.
As the Christmas party proved, the expense is next-to-nothing, the pleasure considerable.
From the front page of the University Club News, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, January 1, 1935.
In the course of life it often becomes necessary for the best of friends to part. Such was the case last month when Alton M. Costley said goodbye to his friends at the Club and returned to his former home in Atlanta. Before leaving he was heard to remark on several occasions, "The thing I will miss most in leaving Orlando will be my association with the University Club."
Excerpt from the University Club News, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, May 31, 1937, page 4.
Christmas Party, Tuesday, December 24, 2 P. M., Refreshments on the Club, Rules Off, Be Sure To Come...
From the front page of the University Club News, the official organ of The University Club of Orlando, December 20, 1940.
Pres. John announces his candidacy to sit on the bench of the Criminal Court of Record of Orange County. Good luck Johnnie.
Ray Ellars has qualified for re-election as Solicitor for the Criminal Court. That is equivalent to election as he has no opponent. But let us put an "X" in front of his name and show our approval.
"Bill" Leedy is again elected to the State Legislature as he has no opposition. An "X" for him also.
Tyn Cobb, Jr. is a candidate for re-election as State Democratic Committeeman.
From the front page of the University Club News for April 16, 1938, Vol. 11, No. 1.
On Friday evening, Aug. 26, the members of the Club enjoyed a mid-summer entertainment feature that was one of the most delightful occasions in recent months.
Fortunate in having one of the typical Florida evenings, about sixty members of the Club and their ladies gathered on the Angebilt roof. In this setting, augmented by the music of Glen Brown's orchestra, they enjoyed a dance that was reported to be one of the outstanding occasions in the history of the Club- with everybody in the best of spirits and a genuine feeling of sociability everywhere. In fact all who attended are enthusiastic for another.
From the front page of the University Club News for Sept. 28, 1938, Vol. 11, No. 2.
A Salute!
The Club makes it's salute to the armed forces of Uncle Sam during the present emergency- by the very fitting ruling that any member who enters the military and naval arms of the service will have dues remitted during their respective periods of duty.
From the front page of the University Club News, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, February 13, 1941, Vol. XV., No. 1.
Article I. The name of this organization shall be THE FRATERNITY CLUB and its principal activities shall be carried on in and about Orlando.
Article II. The general nature of the purposes for which this club is organized and the activities to be engaged in are to foster interest in colleges and collegiate education, to stimulate interest in intercollegiate athletic contests, and to organize, for a better social intercourse college alumni in and about Orlando.
Article III. Membership in the Club shall be limited to male members of any national Greek letter fraternity who are alumni of any recognized college or university with courses leading to standard baccalaureate degrees.
Read The Fraternity Club Constitution, adopted at the meeting on December 14, 1922, J. T. Branham, Secretary.
For more on the early history of The University Club of Orlando see The University Club of Orlando: Tenth Anniversary, 1926-1936.
The University Club of Orlando continues to this day and has donated over $1.5 million in scholarship funds to colleges and universities in Central Florida.
Though atmosphere is immaterial and difficult to define, it is something easily and very distinctly felt. We all know that the happiness of the home depends on its atmosphere, and this is equally true of a Club. So much depends on whether it is friendly and social or otherwise.
Now there is no question about the friendly atmosphere surrounding the University Club. It just exudes good will. One entering its portals immediately leaves the world behind, and instinctively realizes the significance of the poet's line-
"Far from the maddening crowd's ignoble strife."
Yes, within the Club walls there is cessation from extraneous affairs, and all is serenity and good fellowship.
From page one of University Club News, the official publication of The University Club of Orlando, April 1939.
The annual meeting of the University Club of Orlando was held in the Club on Tuesday evening, Dec. 5, with Robert S. Carr in the chair.
Principal matters to come before the meeting included reports by the President and Treasurer, and the election of directors.
The report of the Treasurer was a phase that was most pleasing; for it showed that the Club is debt free, despite over $700 expenditure for alterations to the rooms, and including the liquidating of a $950 obligation incurred a little over a year ago. The "Mortgage burning" ceremony in celebration was very effective.
"Bob" Carr's report as President was most encouraging. It reviewed a year that was apparently unique in some features--- so many FREE affairs. It recorded an unusually diversified entertainment program, in addition to the normal Club functions.
From the front page of the University Club News for December 19, 1939, Vol. XII, No. 7.
Articles, invitations, membership lists, and news clippings from the archives of The University Club of Orlando.
Archives for The University Club Scholarship, including the 1925 letter of proposition for the scholarship, scholarship applications, letters of reference, and telegraph of congratulations for the graduate.
The University Club of Orlando Scholarship program started in 1932. For further history of the scholarship including photos of the first four recipients see: The Club Scholarship in The University Club of Orlando: Tenth Anniversary, 1926-1936.
The University Club of Orlando scholarship program continues to this day and has donated over $1.5 million in scholarship funds to colleges and universities in Central Florida.
Documents Courtesy of The University Club of Orlando Archives
Recently, September 2, 2015, I had my 80th Birthday party. One of the people that could not attend was Jake Stuart. Jake recently met me on the deck behind the University Club and asked me, what was the most important event in my life that I could relate to him, since he was not able to be at the party. After thinking for a while I decided to prepare this document....
Recently, September 2, 2015, I had my 80th Birthday party. One of the people that could not attend was Jake Stuart. Jake recently met me on the deck behind the University Club and asked me, what was the most important event in my life that I could relate to him, since he was not able to be at the party. After thinking for a while I decided to prepare this document....