Oral history interview with long time citrus professional and Central Florida resident Fred Houk with Orange County Library System staff member Nick Martinolich on October 20, 2009. Mr. Houk passed away on August 16, 2011. VIEW his obituary.
Mr. Houk is 83 years old and spent his years on the road documenting Florida historical markers that eventually won him honors in 1987 from the Florida Cabinet. Mr. Houk participated in getting the official spelling of Lake Jesup corrected to use only one “s” (after General Thomas Sidney Jesup). Retired now, Mr. Houk has amassed the largest matchbook collection in the state of Florida.
LISTEN (30:23)
VIEW 1994 Tampa Times Union Part 1 Part 2
VIEW Tallahassee Democrat article
VIEW Newspaper article about Historic Markers
VIEW 1985 Daytona Beach News Journal article on Matchbooks
VIEW 1992 Tampa Tribute article

ABOVE: Article about Fred Houk in the Orlando Sentinel on May 4, 1985, page E2.
Mr. Houk passed away on August 16, 2011. A tribute was posted on the Florida Citrus Mutual web site but has since been removed.
Back to top10-20-09 interview with long time citrus professional and Central Florida resident Fred Houk. Mr. Houk spent his years on the road documenting Florida historical markers that eventually won him honors in 1987 from the Florida Cabinet. Mr. Houk participated in getting the official spelling of Lake Jesup corrected to use only one "s" (after General Thomas Sidney Jesup). Retired now, Mr. Houk has amassed the largest matchbook collection in the state of Florida.