Church Street Station – One Family Remembers
July 19, 2004 marked the 30th anniversary of the opening of Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium on Church Street in downtown Orlando. July 19, 1974 marked the beginning of a marvelous adventure the likes of which the people of Orlando had not known before. Bob Snow brought his vision – his dream – to life and it was enjoyed by millions of people who passed through those swinging doors for more than 25 years.
“Church Street Station – One Family Remembers” is a tribute to all the people who made Church Street Station possible, before what it was passes completely from the public consciousness. For those of you who were around during the glory days – the 70’s and 80’s – you remember Church Street Station when Bob Snow was still it’s heart and soul.

ABOVE: Glasses from the Cheyenne Saloon and Opera House on the south side of Church Street at the corner of Church and Garland.
For those of you who only experienced Church Street Station in the final years, and for those of you who will never experience the wonder and awe of it all, take a look at the photos, read some of the news clippings, peruse the “memories” here on display, and join us as one family remembers Church Street Station. Read the rest of the flyer.
Read about the 2004 exhibit: VIEW Page 1 VIEW Page 2
VIEW Historical overview of Church Street Station
The above photo is of the entire staff at Church Street Station gathered in Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium – from Rosie’s, the Cheyenne, Lili Marlene’s Aviators’ Pub , Apple Annie’s and Phineas Phoggs Balloonery. Faces in the crowd include Rosie’s Good Time Jazz Band, Bill Allred, Randy Morris, Warren Sauer, Boyd Bergeson, Rosie’s Red Hot Mama – Miss Ruth Crews, Rob Oakes, the bag pipe players, Laurel and Hardy, Spatz Donovan, the Statue of Liberty, Uncle Sam, the waiters and waitresses, Mother’s Choice, Randy Morris, Warren Sauer, Sam and Susan Barnes and Charlie Lesink, aviator Joe Kittinger.
Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium – Waiter’s Welcome
LISTEN to Rosie O’Grady’s Waiters’ Welcome
Words and music by Bill Allred. Permission granted.
We’d like to welcome everybody to Rosie O’Grady’s, the place where all the good times are!
You can forget about your taxes, the weather, the wars, and leave your other cares and woes outside our swinging doors.
We’d like to welcome everybody to Rosie O’Grady’s, come in and belly up to the bar.
And if you do, it won’t be long before you see why, we’re rated up there with the flag and mom’s apple pie!
We’d like to welcome everybody to Rosie O’Grady’s, the place where all the good times are!
Sung by Rosie O’Grady’s singing waiters, this was the first song performed each night, and every word was true!
The above post card features Rosie O’Grady’s Singing Waiters who in addition to participating in the patriotic grand finale waving the Confederate flag and then Old Glory and performing the Rosie O’Grady’s welcome song, would drop what they were doing – who they were serving – grab their trays and accentuate the grand entrance of Rosie’s Red Hot Mama Ruth Crews. This photo was from Rosie’s heydays when there was “sawdust” on the floor like in the olden days and standing room only above and below with people lining the 2nd floor balcony and the filling the antique benches pulled from an old train station. Rosie’s served alcoholic beverages but it was a place where folks from newborns to almost-gones could have a rousing good time. You can see the brass fireman’s pole in the middle of the stage. Most of the band members would make their entrance each show by taking the fireman’s pole from the top floor. The can can girls also arrived via this mode of transport. If you look closely you can see the large mirror behind the west bar – painted with the names and likenesses of specialty drinks.

ABOVE: This photograph shows the elegant brass and glass and escalators with Tivoli lights and glass enclosed elevator overlooking the fountain in the center section of The Exchange at Church Street Station. The huge three story interior featured unique shops on the first two floors with a food court that connected by way of an enclosed walkway over the train tracks to Church Street Marketplace which is now 55 West.
The third floor of The Exchange was called Commander Ragtime’s the Grandest on Earth and was a huge assortment of fun games for the entire family. They had pool tables, old fashioned arcade games, simulator type games, kids games (who doesn’t like whack a mole?) and prizes! We stopped going to CSS for a while when the kids were at the age that they’d rather play games to try to win cheap prizes than to listen to the music. Thankfully, that passed quickly.
Our favorite stores were the huge rock and gem store, the family crest store, the fudge factory and of course Victoria’s Secret! Never knew when Elvis might be making an appearance! Stores listed in the 1989 Orlando City Directory (page 458) include: First Floor: the Fudgery, Regency Collectibles, Saldini Menswear, Ol’ Times Cigar Tobacco Shop, Candelite Handcrafted Candles, the Toy Depot, Traders (clothing), Victoria’s Secret, Alexia (Women’s apparel), Benetton (clothing), Pazazz (ladies clothing), Elan Jewelers, Splash Creations (child ladies apparel), Calligraphy & Quotes, Joy of Ireland (their sign can be seen in the lower right of the photo above), Santa & Co. (Christmas decorations), Top This T-shirts, Glitterings (fabulous fake jewelry), R. H. Muir and Co. (custom shirts), Bath & A-Half (soaps and scents), Music Box Shoppe, Sunglass Hut. Second Floor: Alexander’s (clothing), Bain’s Deli, Starting Line (sportswear), Nick’s Italian Kitchen, Chinese Cafe, Mrs. Field’s Cookies, Candy Barrel of Orlando, Inc., Sport Shop, Sam Goody Tapes and Records, Cards N’ Stuff, Everything Yogurt, Guiliano’s, Naco’s Mexican Grill, Col. Joe’s Balloons and Kites. Third Floor: Sweet Thomas Ice Cream, Orlando View of the World, Commander Ragtime’s Gift Shop.
Hanging above the escalators were two vintage aircraft, one of them a Fokker D (shown here) is a German plane from World War I. Both plans had what appeared to be a live person from that era dressed in complete aviator’s garb including leather cap and goggles. when standing on the third floor, the craft were poised as if they were heading right for you. If you look closely you can see the ornate tin ceilings and moldings and amazing attention to detail in this new structure made to look turn of the century. It captures the excitement that spanned the years from the gay nineties to the roaring twenties.
All of Church Street Station was decorated for the holidays but none as beautifully as the Orchid Garden – the home of Rock n Soul. This photo was taken 21 November 1997 shortly after they finished decorating. Taken from the dance floor on the second floor above the bandstand, facing the entrance, you can see the fountain under the landing for the staircase and Marilyn Monroe in the back to the right of the entrance doors. You can see the huge garlands, balls, and bows encasing the entire second floor rails and the beautiful symmetry of the architecture. You can see the elegant chandeliers, brick walls, marble back bar and French doors.
Rock n Soul at the Orchid Garden Ballroom
ABOVE: Every Tuesday-Saturday night, the band Rock n Soul wowed audiences at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station. Lead male singer, Clark Barrios, got a big surprise on his birthday in 1996. This photo was snapped shortly thereafter as everyone in the audience say “Happy Birthday” to him. You can see Big Daddy Dave Williams on keys in the background.
Rock n Soul performed four sets each night beginning at 8 p.m. and the last ending around 2 a.m. The first set was the 50’s, second the 60’s, third and fourth were a mixture of 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. By the last set, the crowds would thin out and the fans who had long ago become their friends usually made up a good part of the remaining audience. The band could have cut corners, played and sang some mediocre tunes to end the night, but they always seemed to have a special musical gift for those of us who closed the place. Anyone who remembers them singing Seven Bridges Road or Walking in Memphis knows what I mean. I’ve never heard either of these songs done better and I doubt I ever will. During the time we had fun and rocked out to the music of Rock n Soul the band members were Dave Williams (keyboard, sax, vocals), Clark Barrios (lead male vocals, sax), Donna Lamoureaux (lead female vocals, sax), Tim Campbell (keyboard, base, vocals), Phil May (guitarist, vocals), Jeff DeHollander (guitarist), and Mike Bunch (drums).
ABOVE: My family and I live in England, but we were frequent visitors to Orlando, in great part due to the house band at the Orchid Garden Ballroom at Church Street Station in Orlando. This photo is from 1997. The band members are from Back Row L-R: Phil May, Clark Barrios, Tim Campbell, Big Daddy Dave Williams, Mike Bunch. In front is my daughter Lyndsey Haskell and Donna Lamoureaux.
50s Medley
Chantilly Lace
Rock Around The Clock
Motown Medley
Mac The Knife
This is an excerpt of Clark Barrios – lead male singer with the group Rock n Soul – performing the Bobby Darin standard “Mac the Knife” live at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station in 1996
Suspicious Minds
Pretty Woman
When A Man Loves A Woman
Brown Eyed Girl
Brown Eyed Girl was one of the band’s songs that bought lead singer Clark Barrios out in the audience to choose a young lady to help him on stage. Clark would always ask the father, spouse, or boyfriend of the young lady if he might borrow her for a moment and escort the young lady back to the stage where he hoped she would dance with him and sing along. Regardless, she would receive a complementary signature drink of Church Street Station – the Flaming Hurricane Special with the souvenir glass. T
Walking In Memphis
This became one of my favorite songs when I first heard Clark Barrios perform it at the Orchid Garden. I read that women would “swoon” when Frank Sinatra sang, but could never relate until I heard him sing this song.
Disco Medley
Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium – Spatz Donovan
LISTEN to Spatz Donovan the Church Street Dynamo performing at Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium. This small sampling of the musical stylings of the Church Street Dynamo Spatz Donovan is from a live albums called “Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station.” The album follows two visitors on their evening of fun at Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium and Apple Annie’s Courtyard.
Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium – Patriotic Finale
LISTEN to the Patriotic Finale starring Rosie O’Grady’s Red Hot Mama – Miss Ruth Crews, the Church Street Dynamo – Spatz Donovan, the Rosie O’Grady Good Time Jazz Band, the singing waiters, Uncle Sam, the Statue of Liberty and the Can Can Girls!
The patriotic grand finale of the show at Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium brought everyone to their feet! The band leader would pose the question: Are there any folks here from the north? The response would be loud since many of the visitors to Orlando were from the North. The follow up question posed to Southerners would evoke even louder response at which time Ruth Crews and Spatz Donovan would lead the crowd singing Dixie as waiters unfurled the Rebel flag and waved it from the bar.
And then the Rebel flag was put away, Old Glory unfurled and Yankee Doodle sung, followed by You’re a Grand Old Flag” and finale “God Bless America” with everyone on their feet, waiters and can can girls in front of the stage, Uncle Sam on stilts and the Statue of Liberty on stage with Ruth and Spatz. It was a site to behold and an experience to remember.
Bob Snow creator of Church Street Station
LISTEN to Bob Snow performing with Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Jazz Band.
Bob Snow, usually remembered as the dreamer and doer who created Church Street Station entertainment complex in Orlando in 1974, was actually quite a musician himself. His rendition of When the Saints Go Marching In performed at Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium and included on the live album “Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station” proves that point. Boyd Bergeson on banjo, Randy Morris on piano, Jim Maihack on trombone, Warren Sauers on drums, Bob Snow vocals and trumpet.
Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium’s Red Hot Mama – Miss Ruth Crews
LISTEN to Rosie O’Grady’s Red Hot Mama – Miss Ruth Crews
Rosie O’Grady’s Red Hot Mama Miss Ruth Crews belts out her rendition of “Hostess with the Mostess” as she makes her grand entrance from the 2nd floor balcony. Featured on the album “Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station” recorded live at Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium.
Apple Annie’s Courtyard – Mother’s Choice
LISTEN to Mother’s Choice at Apple Annie’s
This take off on the once popular Kingston Trio song “Charlie on the M.T.A.” is performed by the Apple Annie’s Courtyard band “Mother’s Choice.” The song places Charlie on the monorail at Disney instead. It was record live on the “Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station” album that followed two visitors experiencing the entertainment at Rosie O’Grady’s Good Time Emporium and Apple Annie’s Courtyard.
Clark Barrios tribute to Elvis
WATCH Clark Barrios Elvis Tribute that Rock n Soul did in August 1997. Rock-n-Soul was the house band at the Orchid Garden Ballroom and consisted of Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Phil May, Tim Campbell, Big Daddy Dave Williams, Mike Bunch.
Clark Barrios was lead male singer with the group Rock-n-Soul at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station. In 1997 Clark created a tribute to Elvis on the Anniversary of his death. We got wind of it and decided to participate, giving red roses to ladies in the audience to give to “Elvis” and throwing under garments at the appropriate moments. The wait staff decided to join in on the fun. Be sure to watch all three clips especially number three. VIEW Part 1 VIEW Part 2 VIEW Part 3
Peruse all the IMAGES and DOCUMENTS under ATTACHMENTS below. Click on the first image to begin the slide show and REMEMBER to read the captions!
Back to topRock-n-Soul - 50's Medley
Recorded live in 1999 at the Orchid Garden Ballroom at Church Street Station, featuring lead vocalist Clark Barrios and Rock n Soul: Donna Lamoureaux, Big Daddy Dave Williams, Mike Bunch, Tim Campbell, and Jeff DeHollander.
Rock n Soul - Chantilly Lace
Recorded live in 1999 at the Orchid Garden Ballroom at Church Street Station, featuring lead vocalist Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Dave Williams, Mike Bunch, Tim Campbell, and Jeff Dehollander.
Rock n Soul - Rock Around the Clock
Recorded live at the Orchid Garden Ballroom at Church Street Station in 1999, this cut features lead singer Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Dave Williams, Mike Bunch, Jeff DeHollander and Tim Campbell.
Rock n Soul - Motown Medley
Recorded live in 1999 at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station, this is a medley of Motown favorites and hits from the Blues Brothers, featuring lead singer Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Tim Campbell, Mike Bunch, Dave Williams and Jeff DeHollander.
Rock n Soul -Mac the Knife
Mac The Knife. This is an excerpt of Clark Barrios - lead male singer with the group Rock n Soul - performing the Bobby Darin standard "Mac the Knife" live at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station in 1996. Rock n Soul was Phil May, Tim Campbell, Donna Lamoureaux, Dave Williams, Jeff DeHollander and Clark Barrios.
Rock n Soul - Pretty Woman
Recorded live at the Orchid Ballroom at Church Street Station in 1999, this cut features lead singer Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Dave Williams, Mike Bunch, Jeff Dehollander and Tim Campbell.
Rock n Soul - Suspicious Minds
Rock n Soul did everything well, but their lead singer's renditions and impersonation of Elvis, was unbelievable. Suspicious Minds was recorded live in the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station in 1999, featuring lead singer Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Dave Williams, Jeff DeHollander, Mike Bunch, Tim Campbell.
Rock n Soul - When A Man Loves A Woman
When A Man Loves A Woman. This is an excerpt of Clark Barrios - lead male singer with the group Rock n Soul - performing the standard "When a Man Loves a Woman" live at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station in 1999. Rock n Soul was Phil May, Mike Bunch, Dave Williams, Donna Lamoureau, Jeff DeHollander, Clark Barrios, Tim Campbell.
Rock n Soul - Brown Eyed Girl
Recorded live in the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station in 1999, Brown Eyed Girl was one of the band's songs that bought lead singer Clark Barrios out in the audience to choose a young lady to help him on stage. Clark would always ask the father, spouse, or boyfriend of the young lady if he might borrow her for a moment and escort the young lady back to the stage where he hoped she would dance with him and sing along. Regardless, she would receive a complementary signature drink of Church Street Station - the Flaming Hurricane Special with the souvenir glass. This selection features the entire band, Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Tim Campbell, Jeff DeHollander, Dave Williams, and Mike Bunch.
Rock n Soul - Walking in Memphis
Rock n Soul performed four sets each night beginning at 8 p.m. and ending at 1 around 2 a.m. The first set was the 50's, second the 60's, third and fourth were a mixture of 70's, 80's and 90's. By the last set, the crowds would thin out and the fans who has long ago become their friends usually made up a good part of the remaining audience. The band could have cut corners, played and sang some mediocre tunes to end the night, but they always seemed to have a special musical gift for those of us who closed the place.
Anyone who remembers them singing Seven Bridges Road or Walking in Memphis knows what I mean. I've never heard either of these songs done better and I doubt I ever will. Rock n Soul was Dave Williams, Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Tim Campbell, Phil May, Jeff DeHollander, Mike Bunch.
Rock n Soul - Disco Medley
Recorded live in 1999 at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station, this is a medley of disco favorites, featuring lead singer Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoreaux, Tim Campbell, Mike Bunch, Dave Williams, and Jeff DeHollander.
Waiters' Welcome - Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium
This is the famed "Waiters' Welcome" song written by Bill Allred and sung nightly by the male waiters at Rosie O'Grady's. The song was performed live at Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium for a live album entitled "Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station" - following two gentlemen visiting the entertainment complex for the evening. Rosie O'Grady's Waiter's Welcome - Words and music by Bill Allred. Permission granted.
We'd like to welcome everybody to Rosie O'Grady's, the place where all the good times are!
You can forget about your taxes, the weather, the wars, and leave your other cares and woes outside our swinging doors.
We'd like to welcome everybody to Rosie O'Grady's, come in and belly up to the bar.
And if you do, it won't be long before you see why we're rated up there with the flag and mom's apple pie!
We'd like to welcome everybody to Rosie O'Grady's, the place where all the good times are!
Sung by Rosie O'Grady's singing waiters, this was the first song performed each night, and every word was true!
Church Street Dynamo - Spatz Donovan
This small sampling of the musical stylings of the Church Street Dynamo Spatz Donovan is from a live albums called "Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station."
The album follows two visitors on their evening of fun at Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium and Apple Annie's Courtyard.
CSS Audio File - Spatz Donovan
Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium - Patriotic Finale
The patriotic grand finale of the show at Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium brought everyone to their feet! The band leader would pose the question: Are there any folks here from the north? The response would be loud since many of the visitors to Orlando were from the North. The follow up question posed to Southerners would evoke even louder response at which time Ruth Crews and Spatz Donovan would lead the crowd singing Dixie as waiters unfurled the Rebel flag and waved it from the bar.
And then the Rebel flag was put away, Old Glory unfurled and Yankee Doodle sung, followed by You're a Grand Old Flag" and finale "God Bless America" with everyone on their feet, waiters and can can girls in front of the stage, Uncle Sam on stilts and the Statue of Liberty on stage with Ruth and Spatz.
It was a site to behold and an experience to remember.
Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station - Bob Snow
Bob Snow, usually remembered as the dreamer and doer who created Church Street Station entertainment complex in Orlando in 1974, was actually quite a musician himself. His rendition of When the Saints Go Marching In performed at Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium and included on the live album "Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station" proves that point.
Boyd Bergeson on banjo, Randy Morris on piano, Jim Maihack on trombone, Warren Sauers on drums, Bob Snow vocals and trumpet.
Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station - Rosie's Red Hot Mama Ruth Crews
Rosie O'Grady's Red Hot Mama Miss Ruth Crews belts out her rendition of "Hostess with the Mostess" on the album "Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station" recorded live at Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium.
Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station - Mother's Choice
This take off on the once popular Kingston Trio song "Charlie on the M.T.A." is performed by the Apple Annie's Courtyard band "Mother's Choice." The song places Charlie on the monorail at Disney instead. It was record live on the "Sights and Sounds of Church Street Station" album that followed two visitors experiencing the entertainment at Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium and Apple Annie's Courtyard.
Church Street Station marketing video provided to television stations, tour agencies, etc.
Church Street Station Marketing Video circa 1995Church Street Station - Orchid Garden - Rock n Soul - Elvis Tribute - Part 1
Clark Barrios was lead male singer with the group Rock-n-Soul at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station. In 1997 Clark created a tribute to Elvis on the Anniversary of his death. We got wind of it and decided to participate, giving red roses to ladies in the audience to give to "Elvis" and throwing under garments at the appropriate moments. The wait staff decided to join in on the fun. Be sure to watch all three clips especially number three.
Rock-n-Soul is Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Phil May, Tim Campbell, Big Daddy Dave Williams, Mike Bunch.
Clark Barrios Elvis Tribute Part 1Church Street Station - Orchid Garden - Rock n Soul - Elvis Tribute - Part 2
Clark Barrios was lead male singer with the group Rock-n-Soul at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station. In 1997 Clark created a tribute to Elvis on the Anniversary of his death. We got wind of it and decided to participate, giving red roses to ladies in the audience to give to "Elvis" and throwing under garments at the appropriate moments. The wait staff decided to join in on the fun. Be sure to watch all three clips especially number three.
Rock-n-Soul is Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Phil May, Tim Campbell, Big Daddy Dave Williams, Mike Bunch.
Clark Barrios Elvis Tribute Part 2Church Street Station - Orchid Garden - Rock n Soul - Elvis Tribute Part 3
Clark Barrios was lead male singer with the group Rock-n-Soul at the Orchid Garden at Church Street Station. In August 1997 Clark created a tribute to Elvis on the 10th Anniversary of his death. We got wind of it and decided to participate, giving red roses to ladies in the audience to give to "Elvis" and throwing under garments at the appropriate moments. The wait staff decided to join in on the fun. Be sure to watch all three clips especially number three.
Rock-n-Soul is Clark Barrios, Donna Lamoureaux, Phil May, Tim Campbell, Big Daddy Dave Williams, Mike Bunch.
Clark Barrios Elvis Tribute Part 3Front and back images of a post card from Apple Annie's Courtyard at Church Street Station after the fire and water fountain were removed and the wall opened for access to the Exchange shopping and entertainment area. You can see the bandstand with Mother's Choice performing in the back on the right and the new sign for THE EXCHANGE in the center where the fountain was formerly located. You can also see some of the architecture - the chandeliers were from old churches in Europe as was the bar.
This full-color, two sided, multi-fold advertisement pamphlet has scenes from every showroom and restaurant in the Church Street Station complex that stretched from Garland to the train tracks at the old Church Street train station.
This matchbook is from the final years of Church Street Station before the decline as it includes the names of all the restaurants and showrooms and shopping emporiums that existed. These include Rosie O'Grady's (Red Hot Dixieland Jazz, Cheyenne Saloon (Life Country and Western Music), Orchid Garden (Classic Rock and Roll), Phineas Phogg's (High Energy Dance Music), Apple Annie's (Featuring Fresh Fruit Daiquiris), Commander Ragtime's Midway of Fun and Games, Lili Marlene's (Exemplary Food Fine Wine), Crackers (Fresh Florida Seafood), Cheyenne Saloon Restaurant (Texas Style Barbeque), Exchange Food Pavilion (Convenient International Cuisine), The Exchange (Over 50 Specialty Shops), and The Wine Cellar (Orlando's Only True Wine Cellar).
Church Street Station had "just for fun" card games at the Cheyenne Saloon and Opera House. Guests were given "free" legal tender to play in the games.
Purchased after Church Street Station closed its doors, this is the souvenir glass used in the Orchid Garden Ballroom and Dessert Cafe.
Church Street Station became an Orlando entertainment destination when Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium opened it's doors in July 1974. Central Floridians and people from around the world enjoyed the music, laughter, food and fun that made CSS the stuff of memories. In July 2004, the 30th anniversary of the opening of Rosie's, an exhibit created by a Central Florida resident entitled "Church Street Station ... One Family Remembers," toured the Orange County Library System.
The exhibit was featured in a two page color story in the Orlando Sentinel entitled: "When the party's over; Back in the day, Church Street Station was the place to be. Memories of its good times are on display at the Orlando Public Library." August 5, 2004, pg. H1. This is the flyer that accompanied the exhibit.
Neil and Mary Ann Fischer celebrated a belated 24th Wedding Anniversary with their daughter Kim and son in law Oliver Peters at Rosie O'Grady's Goodtime Emporium at Church Street Station in September 1975. The photography staff presented them with this souvenir photo to commemorate the event.
Full color fold out promotional brochure featuring images from all the entertainment and dining venues at Church Street Station.
This takes me back many years to when we first moved to Orlando in 1986. Thank you for kickstarting a flood of memories. We took visitors to CSS and they really enjoyed the nightlife there! I remember sitting up on the second-floor balcony and enjoying the music, the dancing and the tall drinks!
Thank you for creating this website; I haven’t enjoyed anything like this for years!
June S.
Greetings June! Thank you for visiting and commenting on the Church Street Station post on Orlando Memory. Our family visited weekly on Friday and Saturday nights for years! Such an amazing place to be able to take your children and expose them to live entertainment in a variety of genres. The best part was that we became friends with many of the entertainers and wait staff. It was like the TV show Cheers but on a larger scale – everybody knew our names! There are many more posts about Church Street Station on Orlando Memory and other iconic attractions now gone. We hope you continue to explore Orlando Memory and continue to share your memories with us all! THE ORLANDO MEMORY TEAM
I worked with Mike Bunch, the drummer featured in this page and one of the photographs, in 1974 at Rollins College. He was an excellent drummer and I remember him fondly. So happy you posted this!
Greetings! Our family and friends went to CSS every weekend in the 1990s. Mike was a great drummer and had a great sense of humor, too! Really nice guy. Thanks for visiting Orlando Memory and sharing your memories with us! ORLANDO MEMORY TEAM