Alice Buning grew up in the last family home on Lake Eola at the corner of Robinson Street and Rosalind Avenue. Her father, Mr. Bill Buning, had his insurance office downstairs, and her grandfather had his insurance office downtown. Alice grew up with Orlando’s landmarks: walking to the Post Office everyday, the library, visiting her granddad, and playing around Lake Eola.
LISTEN to this excerpt from an oral history interview on April 21st, 2011 as she shares her happy memories of neighbors, Grace Bowen, who ran Grace Terrace Apartments and Motel Rooms at 240 E. Robinson St., and the Zorian family, also on Lake Eola, at 212 E. Robinson Street.
She recalls Grace Bowen’s care for feeding the ducks at Lake Eola and her elaborate Christmas decorations on the wide stairway of Grace Terrace.
Alice Buning and her seven siblings were well known to the officer who walked the lake. He knew the Buning children climbing in the trees at Lake Eola, their backyard playground. Alice remembers watching the fountain being built, Cherry Plaza Hotel, and “the biggest thing was watching them build the pool at Cherry Plaza. A lot of good times around Lake Eola.”
LISTEN (11:19)
LISTEN (3:33)

ABOVE: Postcard printed by the Orange News Co., Orlando, Fla. Genuine Curtreich-Chicago “C.T. Art Colortone” post card. Description on back: Orlando is one of America’s loveliest cities, located in the very heart of the Florida peninsula. The card was donated by Ms. Bev Harber of Thomas, KY.

ABOVE: October 22, 1952 postcard sent to Mr. and Mrs. Worley in Corbin, Kentucky. Printed identification: Orange News Co., Orlando, Fla. Genuine Curtreich-Chicago “C.T. Art Colortone”. Postcard donated by Bev Harber of Ft. Thomas, Kentucky.
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Alice Bunning grew up in the last family home on Lake Eola at the corner of Robinson Street and Rosalind Avenue. Her father, Mr. Bill Buning, had his insurance office downstairs, and her grandfather had his insurance office downtown. Alice grew up with Orlando's landmarks: walking to the Post Office everyday, the library, visiting her granddad, and playing around Lake Eola.
In this excerpt from an oral history interview on April 21st, 2011 she shares her happy memories of neighbors, Grace Bowen, who ran Grace Terrace Apartments and Motel Rooms at 240 E. Robinson St., and the Zorian family, also on Lake Eola, at 212 E. Robinson St.
She recalls Grace Bowen's concern for feeding the ducks at Lake Eola and her well known Christmas decorations on the wide stairway of Grace Terrace.
Alice Bunning and her seven siblings were well known to the officer who walked the lake. He knew the Buning children climbing in the trees at Lake Eola, their backyard playground. Alice remembers watching the fountain being built, Cherry Plaza, and "the biggest thing was watching them build the pool at Cherry Plaza. A lot of good times around Lake Eola."
Alice and Joan Buning, St. James Cathedral
President Lyndon B. Johnson, the first president ever to sleep in Orlando, stayed at the Cherry Plaza just around the corner from the Buning's family home on Lake Eola during his 1964 campaign visit. Alice Buning remembers competing with her brother, Rick Buning, to see who could shake President Johnson's hand the most. Alice confirms for the record that she knows she shook President Johnson's hand four times before the President made his way to Colonial Drive for his 9:30 am campaign address. Alice's mother, Joan Buning, also shares her fond memories of the Cherry Plaza Hotel and significant downtown landmarks in this excerpt from an oral history interview with the Bunings on April 21st, 2011.