Barber - Mizell Feud
The Barber - Mizell Feud was a Reconstruction Era feud between the Barber Family, a cattle herding family and the Mizell Family, two of whom were appointed to local government. The formal reason for the feud can be stated simply as disagreements over cat ... Read more
Orlando Magazine - The first years
The first edition of the Orlando Magazine was published in July 1922 by the Orlando Chamber of Commerce. The first twelve issues of the magazine were bound and presented to the Albertson Public Library prior to its opening in November 1923, by someone wi ... Read more
Oral History Interview with Kenneth Hughey
Kenneth Hughey. I was born in Kissimmee, Florida. How did your family come to this area? John Hughey came from Tattnall County, Georgia about 1845 to the Seminole County area which was still Orange at the time. His son James Perry followed him down ... Read more