Oral History Interview: Alan Hirschkorn, 9/11 Firefighter
Alan Hirschkorn served with the New York Fire Department, and responded to the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. In the months following, Alan facilitated in the recovery and cleanup efforts. His health suffered as a result, and Ala ... Read more
Father Pinder Speaks
ABOVE photograph: Father Pinder and Walter Hawkins at the Dr. Jerry B. Callahan Exhibit at the Dedication Ceremony on February 20, 2013. The Reverend Canon Nelson Wardell Pinder (Father Pinder), Rector Emeritus of The Episcopal Church of St. John the Ba ... Read more
Father Pinder Speaks
ABOVE: Father Pinder with City of Orlando guests at the Callahan Neighborhood Center reception for the Dr. Jerry B. Callahan Exhibit Dedication Ceremony on February 20, 2013. Father Nelson Pinder led the peaceful integration of Orlando's community during ... Read more
Dr. Benjamin Patz & Mrs. Anna Mae Patz: Education for Life
We've been married 50 years and we celebrated that this past year. The thing I admire most about him is the fact that he is as brilliant as he is and yet as humble as he is. You can ask him any question on any subject and he will explain it to you in grea ... Read more