Books and Beyond
Early publications of the Orange County Library System and the Friends of the Library include Footnotes 1966-1970, the Friends of the Library Newsletter, and Books and Beyond 1996-1999, which began publication during the tenure of library director Dorothy Field. Simpler early versions of Books and Beyond blossomed through the years with the first full-color Books and Beyond published in October 2002, the first stapled version published in October 2003, and the first in the current magazine format was published in February 2007.
The current Books and Beyond is a full-color monthly news and information magazine, still sponsored by the Friends of the Library and produced by the library’s marketing and graphics departments.
As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the library in 2022, these publications preserve the history of the Friends of the Library, special events, programs, art and innovation shared with the people of Orange County through the years.

View January 2000 Books and Beyond – Grand Opening of the Alafaya Branch.
The year 2000 was a landmark for the world and for OCLS. The new Alafaya Library opened in February, and computers with software provided by a grant from the Gates Library Foundation were added to branches and a computer resource center was opened in May at the Main library location in Orlando. In March the West Colonial Branch closed and was replaced by the new Hiawassee Branch and in April OCLS launched an Online Book Club. In June Ralph Clemente and Serling Van Wagenen presented “Film Making in Central Florida.” The Fall months brought the groundbreaking for the new West Oaks branch, OCLS and WMFE-TV joined forces to create the WMFE Reading Corners in 13 branches and eBooks arrived in November.
January February March April May June July
August September October November December

View August 2001 Books and Beyond – Last old-style Books and Beyond.
The library continued to grow in the new millennium and there were many changes on the horizon. In February library director Dorothy Field announced that she would be retiring in December 2001. The groundbreaking for the new South Creek library was announced in June, and the grand opening of the West Oaks Library was announced in August 2001. OCLS, WMFE-TV and Stereo 90 hosted “Ready to Learn” workshops for parents and daycare providers beginning in July. The August edition was the last Books and Beyond printed on color paper. The September edition was the first printed on white paper with a teal accents. Some included an insert with Children’s programs and story times. On November 28th everyone was invited to “Light Up the Library” and celebrate improvements and the installation of the “light waves” glass sculpture on the west side of the Orlando library created by Harvard Jolly Clees Toppe. The December Books and Beyond featured parting thoughts of retiring director Dorothy Field.
January February March April May June July
August September October November December

View December 2001 Books and Beyond – Dorothy Field retires.

View January 2002 Books and Beyond – New Director Mary Anne Hodel.
The January 2002 Books and Beyond introduced our 5th director, Mary Anne Hodel. The October 2002 edition of Books and Beyond was the first full-color edition. The March edition announces Computer Classes @ your library and Charlotte’s Web is featured for One Book, One Community in March and April. The LizArt, purchased by the Friends for the Children’s Department, was unveiled in April and DVDs were added to the collection in May. The new library logo designed by Disney artist David Buckley was revealed in June. In August, Governor Jeb Bush and U.S. Secretary, U.S. Department of Education Rod Paige, visited the Orlando Public Library to highlight the launch of Phone Line Story Time.

VIEW October 2002 Books and Beyond – First full-color edition!
The October 2002 edition is first full color Books and Beyond. It was a single 8 1/2 x 25 1/2 glossy sheet folded in thirds.

View November 2002 Books and Beyond – Homer Hickam
In October, the Bach Chorus conducted by Dr. John Sinclair performed and it was announced that Homer Hickam, author of Rocket Boys, and representatives from NASA would speak at events for One Book, One Community. The November issue features a photo of the new South Creek library opened in late October. In December the Library Story Line continues with Orlando Magic player Mike Miller, and the Name the Mascot Contest gets underway!
January February March April May June July
August September October November December

View January 2003 Books and Beyond – Sunday hours!
Five on Five for Five was announced in January as five locations beginning January 5 would open for 5 hours each Sunday. In February, the Winter Garden Branch groundbreaking ceremony was announced, and the OPL participated in Central Florida Arts Fest, and Kate DiCamillo’s book Because of Winn Dixie is featured in One Book One Community programs.
The April 2003 edition unveiled the library’s new motto “Information Imagination Inspiration.”

View May 2003 Books and Beyond – Unveiling of Central Florida Memory
The Central Florida Memory project was unveiled in May, and the OPL hosted an event for the first annual Riverfest celebration. The June edition announced Hogwarts 101 – A Magical Evening at the OPL for the release of the fifth book in the Harry Potter series, a presentation on the Tuskegee Airmen by one of the airmen, Judge Robert Decatur, and the remodeling of the first floor to be renamed “Library Central” and “Club Central.”
January February March April May June July
August September October November December
The October 2003 edition was the first Books and Beyond in a magazine format.
The November Books and Beyond announces the grand opening of the new Library Central and an appearance by Patrick D. Smith, whose book A Land Remembered was chosen as the Central Florida Reads book for 2003. The December edition announces the opening of the Library Central Gifts and Greetings and the Vincent van Gogh Experience presented by the Consulate of the Netherlands.

View February 2004 Books and Beyond.
ArtsFest and Jazz great Evelyn McGee Stone returned to the OPL in February, and Bob Kealing presents his book Kerouac in Florida: Where the Road Ends in March. Robin Chapman, former WESH TV anchor and author presented the Second Saturday program in August.
January February March April May June July
August September October November December
Peruse Books and Beyond for years 2005-2022 and 2023-2035.
Back to topBooks and Beyond January 2000
Books and Beyond February 2000
Books and Beyond March 2000 (in binder)
Books and Beyond April 2000
Books and Beyond May 2000
Books and Beyond June 2000
Books and Beyond July 2000
Books and Beyond August 2000
Books and Beyond September 2000
Books and Beyond October 2000
Books and Beyond November 2000
Books and Beyond December 2000
Books and Beyond January 2001
Books and Beyond February 2001
Books and Beyond March 2001
Books and Beyond April 2001
Books and Beyond May 2001 (In binder)
Books and Beyond June 2001
Books and Beyond July 2001
August 2001 - Last printed on color paper
September 2001 - First white with teal banner
Books and Beyond October 2001
Books and Beyond November 2001
Books and Beyond December 2001
Books and Beyond January 2002
Books and Beyond February 2002
Books and Beyond March 2002
Books and Beyond April 2002
Books and Beyond May 2002
Books and Beyond June 2002
Books and Beyond July 2002
Books and Beyond August 2002
Books and Beyond September 2002
October 2002 - First full color Books and Beyond
Books and Beyond November 2002
Books and Beyond December 2002
Books and Beyond January 2003
Books and Beyond February 2003
Books and Beyond March 2003
Books and Beyond April 2003
Books and Beyond May 2003
Books and Beyond June 2003
Books and Beyond July 2003
Books and Beyond August 2003
Books and Beyond September 2003
Books and Beyond October 2003
Books and Beyond November 2003
Books and Beyond December 2003
January 2004 Books and Beyond
Books and Beyond February 2004
Books and Beyond March 2004
Books and Beyond April 2004
Books and Beyond May 2004
Books and Beyond June 2004
Books and Beyond July 2004
Books and Beyond August 2004
Books and Beyond September 2004
Books and Beyond October 2004
Books and Beyond November 2004
Books and Beyond December 2004