In celebration of the 100th Year Anniversary of the Orange County Library System, patrons have been encouraged to share their personal memories of visiting the library. To add your own memory, you can contact us, or you can download the form and bring it in to the library.

I have a childhood memory that is pretty awesome: I would look after my little sister and we would commute downtown here to the library and enjoy the children’s area. We have enjoyed certain events that took place here. iLibrary [talent show] was lovely! I got older and spent time on the other side, the teenager – 18! I was amazed by that area as well. I would spend a lot of time on the computers and check out movies to return them properly. The End 🙂
Submitted by Nishara Jacqui Mobley
One of my favorite memories is when I brought my 2 year old son for storytime and it was the first time he sat entranced for 15 minutes listening to the storyteller. We danced afterwards. It was beautiful and memorable.
Submitted by Cinthia Sandoval

Bringing a friend to the library for the first time in years. He was in absolute wonder of all that OCLS had to offer. He got a library card & now is a continuous visitor! I’ve been an avid fan of libraries & am so proud to support OCLS.
Submitted by Sarah G.
I have many wonderful memories of OCLS beginning with my first visit to the library in 1973.

Glenn Miller 1973. One of my first memories of the Orlando Public Library was taking minutes at a Channel 24 WMFE TV Board of Directors Meeting in the basement conference room. Glenn Miller was the Library Director and was, also, on the board of Public Television WMFE TV. Mr. Miller was very kind to everyone at the TV station. He was one of our guest auctioneers and had great fun with the station’s Big Bird.
Homer H. Hickham, Jr. – Saturday, November 9, 2002. Meeting Rocket Boys author Homer Hickham at the One Book One Community, Central Florida Reads at the Orlando Public Library on Saturday, November 9, 2002, is another memory I cherish. I was able to speak with him for a few minutes and tell him about 30+ Shuttle launches I had attended in person, leading him to write: “To Kim, A True Rocket Girl,” when he autographed my copy of his book.

Chris Peters – Music in the Library – August 3, 2007. A very special memory was when my son Christopher Peters performed in Library Central on Sunday, August 3, 2007. Chris Zabriskie, one of my son’s friends from Lake Mary High School, worked at the library at the time as a videographer and videotaped about 10 minutes of the performance for the library. Later that year, he was a contestant in Guitar Player magazine’s Guitar Hero 2007 competition in San Francisco. I wasn’t able to attend that event, but I was just as happy hearing him play in the Library!

North Orange Library. The staff at the North Orange Library in Apopka were always celebrating something and having a great time with customers. I remember the 2002 “Go Pink Day” for Breast Cancer Awareness where every staff member dressed in pink, including Carolyn Rosenblum, Jeanne Pettrey, Jennifer Myles, Omar Elkalyoubie, Danielle King, and Kim Peters.

Musical Performances. The special music performances, especially during the holidays – with The Dickens Carolers and Marie Loeffler’s solo handbell concerts always bring me great joy.
I could go on for hours.
There are so many other amazing memories – like all the Potterversary events with the remarkable decorations and props and activities created by the library staff and all the fantastic costumes!
The staff dressed in costumes every Halloween is always great fun!
Submitted by Kim Peters
If you have memories of the Orange County Library System, you can contact us, or you can download the form and bring it in to us.
Downloadable PDF to share OCLS Memories.